Academic Profile

Dr. Mazin j. Ahmed

Assistant Professor of Private Law

(+964) - 7504909373

Koya - Kurdistan - Iraq

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My research gate account link: research gate

My Publons account link: Publons

My mendeley account link : Mendeley

Outline Biography

Mazin is a Lecturer of Civil Law in the Department of Law, where he joined the work at Koya University since 2004. Before that he was a Lawyer.

He gained a B.Sc. degree in Law from Salahaddin University in 1999, M.Sc. degree in Private Law - Civil Law from Ankara University in 2004, and Ph.D. degree in Private Law from Koya university in 2009.

He started his academic teaching in 2004 when he joined the work at Koya university.

Research Interests

1.أستنباط العلة في المساءلة المدنية.

( Disease elicitation in the civil accountability )

2. حالة الدفاع الشرعي في القانون المدني العراقي ( دراسة تحليلية مقارنة ).

( The case of legitimate defense in Iraqi civil law - A Comparative and Analytical Study) .

3.المستهلك وتبصيره في العقود الإلكترونية ( دراسة تحليلية مقارنة ).

( The Consumer and How to Enlighten Them in the Electronic Contracts - A comparative and Analytical Study)

4.الشروط والاجراءات اللازمة لحصول الوكيل التجاري على اجازة ممارسة الوكالة التجارية (دراسة تحليلية مقارنة).

Conditions and requirements to obtain commercial license by an agent to practice commercial agency ( Comparative Analytical study)

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