
2. General Physics-Mechanics (GPH6202) (2014-2016)3. Practical General Physics( PGP6203) (2013-on going)4. Academic Debate(ACD6500) (2013-2014)

5. Practical Thermodynamics (PTH6212) (2013-2014)

6. General Physics at Mathematics Department(PHY6304) (2014-2015)

At the FSCH, DPHY, I am teaching two courses namely;

1-mechanics and properties of matter (MPM6232) (2016-2017)

Course code (MPM6232)

Stage: 1st

Classroom: hall-1

No. of Students:55

Course code(PGP6203)

Stage: 1st

Classroom: General Physics lab.

No. of Students: 55

My Phiosophy in Teaching

Teaching physics is a process of dynamic equilibrium between the lecturer and students is. there is no perfect lecture but with open communication between the students and teacher one can strive to optimize the transfer and retention of physics concepts.Hence a major part of my teaching is directed towards motivating the class about the subject and keeping the students engaged during the lectures. it is essential that the lectures are well-planned while at the same time flexible enough to allow for in class discussion. I frequently related the material learned in class with current research areas in physics. I believe that a strong foundation is the most important factor for the success of these courses. I usually tend to go slower near the beginig of the semester it is the easier to discuss more complex concepta at the end of the semester.

same time flexible enough to allow for in~class discussion