
As a member of teaching staff at Faculty of FSCH, department of DBIO I am lecturing in field Microbiology.

My Teaching Philosophy

I believe one of the most important things a teacher can do for students is to related Science back to everyday life as much as possible,seeing real-life applications as it is,I also try to deliver my lessons with a positive energy and excitement without any stress, that I hope my students will emulate

Guided questioning is the best teaching of all, helping students to develop critical thinking skills and observations.

Courses I am teaching:

Course (MPH6117)

Stage 3rd

class room:Microbial physiology

No. of student:30

Course 1 (MIV6116)

Stage 3rd

class room:Virology

No. of student:30

Course 1&2 (MMi6120)

Stage 4th

class room:Medical Microbiology & Immunology

No. of student:36

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