
At the FSCH, DPHY, I am teaching two courses namely:

1. Analytical Mechanics. (ANM6205)

2. Solid state physics lab.- PSS6229


Course code : ANM6205

Stage: First Year Students

Classroom: Physics department (hall 1)

No. of Students: 58

Course code: PSS6229

Stage: Fourth Year Students

Classroom: Physics department (Laboratory-Solid state Phy.)

No. of Students: 35

My Phiosophy in Teaching

I believe that one of the most important ways for me to provide high quality teaching is to be prepared for each and every class period. As a student I observed many lectures where the instructor was ill prepared. I vividly remember the frustration that I felt in those situations and determined that I would not exhibit such behavior in the classes that I teach. Therefore, I always strive to be prepared by knowing the material, having visuals prepared, and ordering the class in a logical and consistent manner. I believe that in addition to expecting excellence from my students, I should display excellence through my teaching.