Academic Profile

Halgurd S. Maghdid

PhD in Wireless/Sensors Technologies ( Buckingham University-UK)

(+964) - 770 1393453

Koya - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar Page


I received my BSc degree in Software Engineering from Salahaddin University, Erbil-Iraq

(2004). And, I received my MSc degree in Computer Science from the Koya University in 2006, Koya- Erbil-

Iraq, where continue as an instructor till now.

Recently (2016) I got the PhD in Applied Computing at the University of Buckingham, UK. My research focuses on

hybrid GNSS with other wireless/sensor technologies including WiFi, Bluetooth, and inertial sensors to offer seamless outdoors-indoors Smartphone


Research Interests

My research interest focuses on the following topics;

A. Wireless Networking Development.

B. Wireless Protocols improvement for localisation services.

C. Android-based Smartphones indoors localization.

D. Android OS development for the kernel and application levels.

E. Hybrid GNSS with other wireless/sensors technologies to offer seamless indoor-outdoor positioning for Smartphones LBSs.