
At the FSCH, DPHY, I am teaching six-course namely;

1. Principle of Laser (LAP6226)

2. Numerical Analysis (KOU30543)

3. Practical of Optics and Spectroscopy (POS6220)

4. Matlab Programming (KOU30552)T ))ING ON

5. Fourth Year Project 2-Groups (RPG6230)

6. Practical Electronics ( PEL6221)

7. Optoelectronic devices (KOUM3519)

Principle of Laser (LAP6226)

Stage: Forth

Classroom: Hall1&Hall2

No. of Students: 40

Course Book: coursebook (upload down pls)

Numerical Analysis (KOU30543)

Stage: Third

Classroom: Hall1

No. of Students: 37

Course Book: coursebook (upload down pls)

Practical of Optics and Spectroscopy (POS6220)

Stage: Third

Classroom: Optics&Spectroscopy Lab.

No. of Students: 18 (GroupA & GroupB)

Course Book: coursebook (upload down pls)

Matlab Programming (KOU30552)

Stage: Third

Classroom: Mathematics Computer Lab.

No. of Students: 37 (GroupA & GroupB)

Practical Electronics (PEL6221)

Stage: Third

Classroom: Practical electronics Lab.

No. of Students: 24 (GroupA & GroupB)

Course Book: coursebook (upload down pls)

Optoelectronics devices (KOUM3519

Stage: MSC

No. of Students: 1

My Phiosophy in Teaching

My philosophical beliefs about teaching and learning include knowledge and skill performer. As I am a assistant professor, I have to create an atmosphere for guiding students through the learning process. I encourage my students to discuss about concepts being presented, by group working, and to show a way that makes it easiest to understand. I am trying to show different methods for presenting my information to classes to improve the learning atmosphere for my students.