Academic Profile

MSc. Fakhri H. Ibraheem

Prof assistance in Chemical Engineering department and Industrial Expert

(+964) - 7509655842

Koya - Kurdistan - Iraq

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ORCID: 0000-0002-2568-3464

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Outline Biography

Mr. Fakhri is an Industrial Expert and prof assistance in the Department of Chemical Engineering, where he joined the work at Koya University since 2012. Before that, I joint 30 years in the public Industrial sector. I worked as Industrial Expert in Industrial Clusters and Competitiveness in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (MIM) during the period 2004 – 2007, then an expert in Quality Control Directorate in the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Erbil - KRG through 2007 - 2012. I joint before 2004 in many Chemical industries government companies like Phosphate - Sulphuric Acid Factory -, wood composite, rubber industry, dry cells, secondary lead smelter, and SLI lead-acid automotive batteries. I introduced many training courses for Industrial staff in different industrial topics. I started academic teaching in 2012 when I joined the work at the Ministry of Higher education and Scientific Researches.

I participated training course and get certification in industrial sustainable development by JICA - Japan - KITA in Kitakyushuin 2005, COMFAR feasibility studies software model for industrial projects, Amman – Jordan in 2006, and two training courses in Quality Control and Quality management systems, in 2007 and 2011, respectively.

I gained a B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering from Baghdad University in 1979, M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering from Baghdad University in 1999.

Since 2013, I am the head of the Curriculum Development Unit in Faculty of Engineering - Koya University. I am a member in Koya Engineering Bureau, JIIA - JICA Iraq, American Institute for Chemical Engineers AIChE.

I have (11) Journal published research papers and (4) Conference papers and a member in three Patent that registered by the Iraqi Organization for Standardization and Quality control.

1. No. 2694 in 20 / 12 / 1997, أيجاد مضافات كيمياوية منشطة للبطاريات الرصاصية الحامضية السائلة

2. No. 2873 in 6 / 2 / 2001, أستخدام المسحوق الناعم من مادة كاربونات الكالسيوم في عمليات تنقية الرصاص بالطريقة الحرارية وأزالة عناصر الأنتيمون والزرنيخ والقصدير

3. No. 3091 in11 / 9 / 2002, أستخدام الحجر القيري في عمليات أستخلاص الرصاص من سكراب البطاريات المستهلة

Research Interests

Fakhri's research interest includes the following fields;

1. Environment Pollution.

2. Electra-chemical power supply.

3. Construction Materials.

4. water Desalination.