Snacks/Water Bottle

Beginning the first day of school, kindergartners have time for a HEALTHY snack in the morning every day.  Please send one small, snack-size item each day that you'd like your child to have for snack.  The snack needs to be an easy to eat item.  Please note all classrooms are nut safe zones so all snack items must be labelled as nut free in the ingredients.  Thank you for understanding! 

 All children should bring a water bottle (with their name on) to school every day.  I will send water bottles home nightly to be washed and ready for the next day.  If you are filling your child's water bottle, please zip it tightly into a Ziploc bag!  Inevitably we have spills, and everything in the backpack gets wet!  :(  If you choose, you can send the water bottle empty and remind your child to fill it when they arrive at school.  Please ONLY SEND WATER as we try to keep our carpets free of stains, and it's a great choice for keeping children hydrated.