
Quick Start Guide

1. Connect device and matrix sensor.

2. Connect device and your PC with USB cable.

3. Open device manager and check if device is correctly recognized. You should see 'USB Serial Port(COMxx)' or something similar in device manager.


Or, you can get source code at the link below if you run snowforce from Processing environment

5. Double click snowforce.exe

6. Click CHOOSE PORT and select port you saw in device manager.

7. Click 'LOAD INI'

8. In file dialog, go to data folder, find appropriate ini file, and click Open.

※ Generally, an INI file is named by this convention - BOARDNAME_SENSOR.ini

9. Click Start.

10. Now you can see force image.


0. Download

Binary can be found at this page.

- Direct download:

Source code can be found at GitHub.

1. Choose COM Port

Select a serial (com) port to which the Snowboard is attached. After this, click Start button to start data acquisition

2. Start/Stop Device

You can start and stop device by clicking this buttong.

3. Start/Stop Logging

Toggle logging measurement data. Data is saved in data folder as a CSV file format. CSV file format can be read by a text editor or a spreadsheet application such as MS Excel.

During logging, two files are created with names automatically given as follows:

  • YYYYMMDDThhmmss-1d.csv: 2-dimensional measurement data is represented as a single row in this file, which is useful for batch analysis of whole data set.

  • YYYYMMDDThhmmss-2d.csv: 2-dimensional measurement data is represented as a 2-dimensional matrix in this file, which is useful to analyze a single frame.


  • YYYY: current year

  • MM: current month

  • DD: current day

  • hh: current hour

  • mm: current minute

  • ss: current second

For example, in data folder you will see these kind of files.


1. Header

RiCj indicates the crossing point of ith row and jth column of the matrix sensor.

2. Data


1. Frame Index

2. 2-dimensional representation of ith frame

4. Load INI

Snowforce comes with several predefined INI files for different sensors.

By default, 1610 sensor is selected but you can choose other sensor INI files

  • snowboard_1610.ini: configuration for Matrix Sensor 1610

  • snowboard_1007.ini: configuration for Matrix Sensor 1007

    • snowboard_ma1010.ini: configuration for Snowboard with MA1010 adapter. MA1010 adapter is designed to connect 48x48 FSR matrix arrays to Snowboard

    • snowboard_ms9723.ini: configuration for Snowboard and MS9723

    • snowboard_ms9724.ini: configuration for Snowboard and MS9724 and MS9758

    • snowboard2_arduino_ms9723.ini: configuration for Snowboard 2 with Arduino attached. This INI supports MS9723, MS9724, and MS9758

    • snowboard2_standalone_ms9723.ini: configuration for Snowboard 2 without Arduino attached (Standalone). This INI supports MS9723, MS9724, and MS9758

    • mc1509_ms9705.ini: configuration for MC1509 and MS9705 or other 48x48 FSR matrix arrays

    • mc1509_ms9711.ini: configuration for MC1509 and MS9711 or other 24x24 FSR matrix arrays

  • [obsolete] snowboard_ms9705_ma1004.ini: configuration for MS9705 and MS9712 combined with MA1004 adapter


5. Real-time Frame Data

Data from Snowboard is displayed in real-time and can be on/off by pressing 'm'.

6. General Information

General information shown in this area.

7. Shortcut Keys

'2': 2D display

'3': 3D display

Up/Down Arrows: Increase or decrease signals

'f': Toggle grid fill (3D only)

'g': Toggle grid (3D only)

'n': Toggle noise filtering

't': Apply threshold values. Values are circulated across 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 whenever 't' is pressed.

'x': Toggle X directional reverse

'y': Toggle Y directional reverse

'z': Toggle Z directional reverse (3D only)

'm': Toggle real-time ADC frame data display

space bar: Toggle message displays

up arrow key: Increase amplification level

down arrow key: Decrease amplification level

Manual for SNOWFORCE 2015-03-03

Data Acquisition

Select a serial (com) port to which the Snowboard is attached. After this, click Start button to start data acquisition

Data Logging

Toggle logging measurement data. Data is saved in data folder as a CSV file format. CSV file format can be read by a text editor or a spreadsheet application such as MS Excel.

During logging, two files are created with names automatically given as follows:

  • YYYYMMDDThhmmss-1d.csv: 2-dimensional measurement data is represented as a single row in this file, which is useful for batch analysis of whole data set.

  • YYYYMMDDThhmmss-2d.csv: 2-dimensional measurement data is represented as a 2-dimensional matrix in this file, which is useful to analyze a single frame.


  • YYYY: current year

  • MM: current month

  • DD: current day

  • hh: current hour

  • mm: current minute

  • ss: current second

For example, in data folder you will see these kind of files.


1. Header

RiCj indicates the crossing point of ith row and jth column of the matrix sensor.

2. Data


1. Frame Index

2. 2-dimensional representation of ith frame

Other controls

These controls can be accessed by keyboard shortcut or mouse.

Frame Data

2-dimensional sensor data is shown here in real-time.


Useful system information is summarized in this section.