School & Class Exceptions/School Discipline Plan

School Expectations

1. Children are in school to learn and to allow others to learn.

2. Children are expected to be respectful, courteous, and helpful to others.

3. Children are responsible for their own behavior.

4. Children will respect our school and it’s property.

Class Rules

1. Listen when your teacher is talking.

2. Follow directions quickly.

3. Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school.

4. Raise your hand to speak.

5. Be safe, be honest.

School Discipline Plan

Each 9 week grading period, students start with a 100 for their conduct grade. For each level change a student receives, 1.5 points will be deducted from their conduct grade.

Students will start with a "clean slate" every day upon arrival to school.

Level 1:

1st incident of Aggressive or Defiant Behavior in a school day.

Student's behavior will be redirected and discussed with student. Student will miss 5 minutes of recess.

Level 2:

2nd incident of Aggressive or Defiant Behavior in a school day.

Student's behavior will be redirected and discussed with student. Student will be relocated in class if needed to re-focus. Student will miss 10 minutes of recess.

Level 3:

3rd incident of Aggressive or Defiant Behavior in a school day.

Students behavior will be redirected and discussed with student. Move student to a "Buddy Teachers" room to refocus. Student will miss 15 minutes of recess.

Level 4:

4th incident of Aggressive or Defiant Behavior in a school day. Student's behavior will be redirected and discussed with student.

*Teacher will complete a discipline referral form to administrator.

Level 5:

5th incident of Aggressive or Defiant Behavior in a school day.

*Teacher will complete and submit discipline referral form.