Wednesday, 9/25

Post date: Sep 25, 2013 8:04:06 PM


*IC: turned in wb p 54 on mult. using the standard algorithm (if students did not show their work they need to go back & rework to find the product); worked on using area models to find produce

*HW: practice mult. & division facts


*IC: read & discussed Blizzards story & turned in wb p 63

*HW: read AR book


*IC: discussed run-on & rambling sentences

*HW: reread friendship essay to see if there are any run-on or rambling sentences; fix as needed


*IC: none

*HW: none


*IC: reviewed HW pgs

*HW: wb pgs. 71-73 (due tomorrow; don't forget to do the paragraph writing on the bottom of p 73)

Science (my HR):

*IC: read & discussed part of lesson 3 on plants; worked on adding vocab words from p 48 to notecards or science notebook

*HW: finish definitions if not finished in class

Science (Mrs. Mowbray's HR):

*IC: no class today

*HW: study lesson 3 vocab on plants