
PES 2nd Grade Virtual Instruction Schedule

Mrs. Weaver



9:00 - 11:30

Synchronous Whole Group Class Meetings (M,T,Th,F)

9-10 Math -meeting with teacher and the rest of the class, Break


10-10:55 Reading and Writing- Meeting with the teacher and the rest of

the class

10:55-11:10 Special Class Meeting

Students log on with a device for teacher-directed learning to include art, library, music, physical education, and STEM on a rotating schedule. Additional asynchronous activities will be provided weekly in addition to these class meetings.

Day 1-PE

Day 2-STEM

Day 3-Art

Day 4-Counseling

Day 5-Library

Day 6-Music

11:10 - 1130- Class reading and Summary of the Day.

11:30-12:00 Screen Break

A family-structured break is recommended to include non-electronic activities such as outdoor or active play, reading print books, board games, etc.

12:00 - 12:30


12:30 - 3:00

Flexible Learning Time

  • Asynchronous learning and practice to include instructional software, independent reading, assigned practice activities, and breaks
  • Synchronous small group and/or individual student meetings (Schedule will vary, but students will have at least one of these additional meetings each week.) Special education services will be provided during this time as well.

Small group meetings will be about 20 minutes and will be set after beginning of the year testing.

Independent work will include Canvas activities, MathSeeds(20 minutes), Reading Eggs(20 minutes), Independent Reading(20 minutes), and other activities assigned by the teacher.


Distance Learning for students to work on Canvas, MathSeeds, Reading Eggs, Independent Reading, and other activities assigned by the teacher.

Teacher Planning day to include professional development, family communication, and grade level meetings.