Tips for Beginning Readers

A love of reading often starts at home. Families are essential in helping their children become successful readers.

Here are some tips for early readers and their families:

1. Model good reading for your child. Encourage your child to point the words as he reads and use sounds and clues to figure out words. Looking at pictures is ok for a beginning reader.

2. Give your child time to decode words. Early readers may read slowly, especially when working with new books. To work on fluency, have your child reread familiar books he can be successful with.

3. Talk about the story. Before reading have your child look at the pictures and make predictions about what the book will be about. When you are finished with the book, ask questions like, "What was your favorite part?" or "What new thing about _____ did you learn?"

4. Read, Read, and Read some more! The more practice your child has with reading, the more successful he will be. Reading to your child counts, too! Exposure to rich language and stories helps develop a child's vocabulary and comprehension skills.

5. Make reading a priority. Set aside a time every day to read, even just for five minutes. Consider adding more reading to your routine as you are a role model for your child. The more your child sees you read, the more he will see reading as an enjoyable, lifelong activity.

6. Have Fun!!!!!!!!