
An eikonal based formulation for traveltime perturbation with respect to the source location

Traveltime calculations amount to solving the nonlinear eikonal equation for a given source location. We analyze the relationship between the eikonal solution and its perturbations with respect to the source location and develop a partial differential equation that relates the traveltime field for one source location to that for a nearby source. This linear first-order equation in one form depends on lateral changes in velocity and in another form is independent of the velocity field and relies on second-order derivatives of the original traveltime field. For stable finite-difference calculations, this requires that the velocity field be smooth in a sense similar to ray-tracing requirements. Our formulation for traveltime perturbation formulation has three potential applications. First, it can be used for fast traveltime calculation by source-location perturbation. Second, it can be used for velocity-independent interpolation including datuming as well as velocity estimation. Third, higher-order expansions provide parameters necessary for Gaussian-beam computations.

The traveltime through a linear velocity model that includes a lens at 0.6 km laterally and 0.5 km in depth. The solid curves correspond to the traveltime computed using a source at 0.2 km laterally and in depth (left), and a source at 0.21 km laterally (middle), compared with the traveltime extracted using perturbation theory and Shanks transform (dashed curves). The right plot is a density plot of the difference which is generally small other than small strip on the side of the lens.

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Department of Physical Science and Engineering 4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Thuwal 23955-6900 Saudi Arabia