Pep Band

KHS Pep Band Information Expectations and Grading


The mission of the KHS Pep band is to provide musical entertainment and energetic support at Kaneland Basketball events. The pep band plays for Home Varsity Conference boys and girls games.


The Pep and Schedule will be posted on the KHS Band Google Site. Each Game is listed with two times. For example "5:30/7pm."  The first time is the time the band meets to warm up and run through music. The second is the time the game is scheduled to start. Games generally last about one and a half hours but the start time often is later than listed. There is usually a JV game prior the the start of the varsity game. If the JV game runs late the varsity game will start late.


Each member of a KHS Band class is assigned to a pep band. Students are expected to be present for the games to which they are assigned and will be given the grade of 100% for being there and participating. The Band will perform during Pre-Game, and during the 2nd half. During the 1st half, students may visit concessions and then immediately return to our bleachers to eat their food. Food must NOT be eaten during times where the Band should be playing (Pre-Game, 2nd half). All trash must be disposed of properly. 

Students are welcome to play at games that are not scheduled for their assigned band and will be given the grade of 110% for participating in a game that is not one to which they are assigned.

Students who can not attend a game for which they are assigned must find a substitute player for their part, and fill out the Pep Band Absence form below. Students will not be penalized for missing if there is a substitute player. 

Students are expected to be on their absolute best behavior at all times, from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave at the end of the night. Everything you say and do is a reflection of the KHS Band as a whole. If a student behaves inappropriately during a Pep Band event, they will receive a grade deduction for that event, in addition to any other disciplinary actions at the discretion of Mr. Brooks and KHS administration. If a student does not show up for a game, and do not have a sub, they will receive a 0% for that game. 


Mr. Tyler Brooks


Band members are expected to wear their black band polo shirt to all Pep Band performances. A grade deduction will be assessed for not wearing the appropriate attire.

Please check your band assignment & let Mr. Brooks know if there are any need for changes!