
For all Te Arahura learners to know and value Ngapuhitanga, to be proud of their identity

Language of Learning

For all Te Arahura learners to know and be able to use the language of learning, for all leaders and teachers to deliver learning opportunities that are planned and organised, engaging, and ensure learner progress and achievement.

Original Achievement Challenges

Increase numbers of students who achieve

NCEA Level 1 in Year 11

from 58.3% to 85%

over a three year period.

Increase the number of students who achieve at or above in pāngarau / mathematics

from 69% (pāngarau) / 45.9% (mathematics) to 85%

over a three year period.

Increase the number of students who achieve at or above in tuhituhi / writing

from 60% (tuhituhi) / 36.4% (writing) to 85%

over a three year period.