Homework Assignments


Mon. 3/02 Read chapter 14 in The Watsons Go to Birmingham- See Google Classroom for the text and audio. Chpt 14 text starts on PDF TEXT pg #131 and the audio starts in Part 4 at 26:36 Diversity unit assessment Thursday- study guide available in Google Classroom Completed study guide turned in for possible extra credit on assessment

Tues. 3/03 Argumentative essay due Wed. Diversity unit assessment Thursday- study guide available in Google Classroom Completed study guide turned in for possible extra credit on assessment

Wed. 3/04 Argumentative essay due today Diversity unit assessment tomorrow-study guide available in Google Classroom Completed study guide turned in for possible extra credit on assessment

Thurs. 3/05 Diversity unit assessment TODAY!! Completed study guide turned in no later than today for possible extra credit on assessment

Fri. 3/06