PreAp / Biology

Pre-AP Biology I 36108

This course offers students a disciplined approach in a laboratory setting to problem solving and critical

thinking activities designed to prepare students for Biology AP. Topics of study include biological chemistry, cells, energy transformation, molecular genetics, heredity, evolution, organisms and populations, ecology, and biogeochemical cycles.

Course Overview:

Biology is the study of living organisms, their origins, how they survive,reproduce, change over time, and interact with each other and their environments. The Pre-AP Biology curriculum is an introductory course taught in two semesters of high school. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of modern biology and scientific processes, building a foundation for success in the college level AP courses to follow. Course material is roughly divided as follows: 35% molecules and cells, 35% evolution and genetics, and 30% organisms and populations. Nature of science will be taught throughout the year.

Pre-AP Biology is recommended for high-achieving students and for students who have a particular interest in biology and the natural sciences, including students who are traditionally underrepresented in AP courses. Students will be ultimately responsible for their learning;therefore, they should be organized, prepared, and motivated to learn everyday.

The Pre-AP Biology curriculum differs from the regular Biology curriculum in meaningful ways. The Pre-AP course places a higher priority on developing critical thinking skills by examining real world problems. The Pre-AP curriculum examines topics with more depth and includes more advanced resource material in addition to the adopted text. Laboratory investigations play a more prominent role in the Pre-AP course. Labs are more sophisticated than in the regular curriculum and students are expected to design and carry out experiments using appropriate methods and resources.


Students will learn to -

  • Think Critically
  • Design scientific Hypotheses & Experiments
  • Write good scientific essays
  • Conceptualize information, rather than memorize
  • Interpret & Analyze scientific data
  • Solve problems by using the Scientific Method
  • Learn to read informational text forunderstanding & become a concise note takers

IMPORTANT TEXTBOOK INFORMATION: We have received new science textbooks which are the property of Tulsa Public Schools and are barcoded for identification purposes. A book will be checked out to the student at the beginning of the year. TPS expects the book to be taken care of and to be returned in similar condition at the end of the school year or upon the withdrawal of the student. TPS policy: if the book has not been taken care of and is damaged or the barcode number is taken off, the student must pay for that book.

Required Materials:

3-ring binder with pockets for study guides

2 composition notebooks ( 1 for notes, for vocabulary)

Standard size, loose leaf notebook paper

Pencils with erasers

Colored pencils

2 colors of highlighter

Access to the internet

Grading Scale:

90 -100 A

89.9 -80 B

79.4 - 70 C

69.9 - 60 D

Below 59.9 F

Grading Policy:

Grades are weighted as follows:

Class Participation 5%

Classwork: 30%



Final Exam: 25%

Extra Credit : up to 3%

Every student must turn in every assignment. Daily work,labs, & projects are not accepted late under any circumstances except in case of excused absence.


Exams will be over material we cover in class, supplemental material you are asked to read, and material covered in handouts, labs, or other activities.The test will range from multiple choice to essay questions. Quizzes may be given at any time covering assigned reading, previous lectures, homework, orlab procedures. Benchmark 9 and 18 week exams will be given each semester.Students should study daily to be prepared for exams & quizzes. The teacher reserves the right to administer a different make-up exam &/or quiz.

Class Portfolio:

Each student will maintain a three ring binder to use as a portfolio for this class. The portfolio shall be used to keep their notes, handouts,vocabulary, graded work and any outside additional resources they have utilized in their preparation of this course. The use of tabbed dividers is encouraged. Grades will be given periodically to assess their portfolio before a much larger grade at the end of each semester.


Laboratory experimentation and exploration are a part of this course. It is vital that the students follow all laboratory procedures and safety rules/guidelines. Failure to comply with behavior expectations can result in removal from the lab activities. A safety contract will be sent home and filled out by the student and the parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are needed before a student can participate in any labs.

Safety Guidelines

Study Techniques:

The most common problem new students have is that their study skills are not adequate for high school level classes. Studying for classes involves more than just "cramming the night before a test." Online pretests and chapter review sheets are provided for you on the PreAP Biology website. You should take these tests online before each exam. The following are suggestions to improve your grade in biology and other high school courses.

Prepare for class before coming by reading over your notes soon after you have written them and also read over the sections of your text that will be covered in that day's lecture.

Make and use a vocabulary list as you go.

Do all worksheets, study questions, etc.

Keep your handouts, lecture notes, and study questions organized in a notebook to be used as a portfolio to showcase your accomplishments.

Always read assigned material and make sure you outline all the main ideas and not just a single item in a section.

Pay attention and don't daydream in class.

Study frequently and in small doses. Cramming does not foster long term understanding that will stick with you!

Set up a study group and study with friends.

Understand figures and diagrams from lecture and from your text.

If you are having trouble with the material, get help early. Do not wait until TEST DAY!!!