

Welcome to my website. I am very excited for this school year! I will post the week's lesson plans, including the South Dakota state standard met by that lesson (where applicable) here as well as a tentative assignment schedule. Please note that all of these are subject to change and the best way to assure that you have the correct information is to come see me. Please don't hesitate call the school at (605)-923-0050, email me at kelly.coates@k12.sd.us, or even better, come by my room at any time with any questions, concerns, or comments.

Daily Schedule

1st Period 7:50-8:00

2nd Period 8:04-8:54

3rd Period 8:58-9:48

4th Period 9:52-10:42

5th Period 10:46-12:31 Lunches

6th Period 12:35-1:25

7th Period 1:29-2:19

8th Period 2:23-3:13

9th Period 3:17-3:30