Grading in Language Arts

Grading Overview

You will find the grading scores on the student grade sheet and work samples in your child’s digital portfolio more informative than the online gradebook. The scores on grade sheets and rubrics are:

Below Basic-1 (60%)

Basic-2 (70%)

Proficient-3 (90%)

Advanced-4 (100%). 

2.5 (80%) and 3.5 (95%) are also used to show when students are in between two rubric levels. We will provide instructional interventions for any student who scores below Basic (2) on any skill through a combination of re-teaching in tutorials, small group instruction, or one-on-one instruction; extra credit is not offered.

The Philosophy

It takes time and practice to get really good at a skill. Think about when you learned to ride a bike, bake a cake, or swim.  Chances are that you were not “proficient” on your first try.  More than likely you had to practice, study, and ask for help.  Over time you got better and better.


Literacy is no different. Students need time and practice to achieve proficiency in their reading and writing skills. We are all different, and we learn at different paces. Some skills come more easily than others. Some skills require a lot of practice. Either way, becoming proficient can take time.


Missing and Late Work

There is no grade penalty for late or missing work. Students will be told an assignment is missing. In the grade book, missing assignments will be marked with an “M” resulting in a zero for that grade.  It will not remain a zero.  When the assignment is turned in, the grade will be changed to what the assignment earned. 


Late work will not be penalized by a lower grade. This would provide an inaccurate grade that should be based solely on skill.


Failing Grade

If a student receives a 1 or 2 (failing or near failing), the teacher and student will agree upon a time so the student may be retaught and his or her work reassessed. This will happen in morning / afternoon tutorials. The goal is always mastery or proficient - 3.


Summary of Grading

4    = 100%

3.5 = 95%

3    = 90%

2.5 = 80%

2    = 70%

1    = 60%

No zeros or points taken off for late work – behavior is addressed in the ownership of learning rubric. 
