Reading Logs

Sixth graders have two reading logs: A required weekly reading log and an optional monthly at-home reading log. Expectations and copies of each log are provided below.

Required Weekly Reading Log

Each school day, students are required to read a minimum number of pages based on their individualized reading goal. Students are given time in class to meet their daily page goal and record their progress on their weekly reading log. If students don't meet their page goal in class, they are expected to read at home that evening to achieve their goal. This log is due weekly on Mondays and entered as a "Reading Workshop" grade. (Please note that all weekly reading logs are digital and made available to students via Google Classroom.)

Optional Monthly At-Home Reading Log

From September through May, students who read outside of school on at least 16 separate days per month, for at least 20 minutes per day, will earn a special reward at the end of the month.

Optional Monthly At-Home Reading Log.pdf