ABC's of Kindergarten

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Absence: If your child is absent, please contact the school office at 303-982-5760. You need to let the office know and your child's classroom teacher via e mail.

Allergies: Please inform the office of any severe allergies that your child may have. Children cannot take any medication at school without parent permission, and parents must leave any medication with the school clinic (nurse).

Arrival: Each day students will be allowed to enter the building at 8:00 a.m. through our classroom's outside door.


Backpacks: Please send your child to school with his/her backpack every day. It needs to be large enough to hold a 2-pocket folder, lunch box, and a jacket. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD'S NAME IS ON THEIR BACKPACK AND VISIBLE.

Birthdays: Kyffin is a participant of "Healthy Schools". Birthdays will be celebrated in our classrooms, but please do not send treats. This is a school policy. We will sing to your child and provide a birthday crown.

Book Orders: Periodically, a parent volunteer will be sending Scholastic Book Order forms home with your child. This is a chance for you to buy quality books for your child at low prices. With every dollar you spend our class earns credit. The credit is used to purchase more books for our classroom. If you would like to order, please follow the following link for directions, Book Orders.


Communication: It is important to maintain consistent communication with your child's teacher. If you have any concerns please e-mail. If you have a behavior or academic concerns please schedule a phone conference with your child's teacher. It is important to not discuss such matters via e-mail. Mrs. Kinghorn, Mrs. Graffam, and Mrs. Clarke do not check voice mail, please e mail or call the school office.

Conferences: More information will be sent home as we get closer to conference time. You will be able to sign up for a conference time via your child's class website.


Dismissal: Students will be dismissed through the classroom's outside door if they are a car rider, walker, or sibling is picking them up. If your child falls in one of the previous categories please plan on meeting them at the door for the first month of school. Bus riders, SAE, and other daycare will be escorted by our classroom para to the appropriate location. Please make sure your child's teacher knows how your child gets home prior to the first day of school. Please discuss with your child how they get home and make sure they know all appropriate procedures (i.e. bus number). Dismissal is an intricate process in Kindergarten and your child's safety is crucial.


Emergency: Please let the office and your child's teacher know if your home, work, or cell phone number changes during the year.


Field Trips: We will be taking three field trips this year. In October we will be going to "The Pumpkin Patch", in February we will be participating in a creative arts workshop at the Arvada Center, in late April or May we will be going to the Zoo. Please continue to refer back to the Kindergarten calendar for specific dates.

Folders: Each Friday your child's Cougar Friday Folder will come home with student work and important school/classroom information. Please look through the items in the folder, keep the papers, sign the folder page, and send the folder back to school each Monday.


Graduation: Kindergarten graduation will take place in May, but we call it Kindergarten Extravaganza. Watch for the official date in the Kinder monthly newsletters.


Homework: Kindergarten homework will begin in September. Each Monday your child will receive their weekly homework folder and the homework will be due on Thursday.

Hundredth Day: Yippee! We are 100 days smarter! This is a happy day that takes place in February.


Illness: Your child's presence at school is important to us, but so is the health of your child and the rest of the students in our class. If your child is running a fever or has recently vomited, please take precautions and keep them home from school. Please call the office to report absences.


Jiggle: Our daily routine in Kindergarten is age appropriate, and we have a lot of learning activities and brain breaks where we "jiggle" and have fun.


Kindness: Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all classmates and others with kindness and respect.


Lunch: Our lunchtime is from 10:50-11:30. We have lunch for the first twenty minutes and then recess for the second twenty minutes.


Menu: The lunch menu is available on the Kyffin website.


Names: Please make sure your child's name is on EVERYTHING that they bring to school.


Office: Our school office number is 303-982-5760.

Outdoor Recess: The students will be going out for recess every day, unless severe weather doesn't permit. Please keep this in mind and send a sweater, sweatshirt, or jacket with your child.


Pick-up: If someone different is picking up your child, please let us know.


Quick Goodbyes: Please use quick goodbyes in the morning. A quick goodbye leaves dry eyes.


Report Cards: The school year is divided into three trimesters. The first trimester reports are reviewed during parent-teacher conferences. The following trimester report cards are sent home with the student. When you see the report card, please sign the envelope and return the empty envelope to school.


Snack: Snacks are community in our classroom. Please send peanut-free snacks only. Please send a water bottle (with a lid) to school with your child every day. Be sure to label the water bottles with your child's name.

Super Hero of the Week: A special celebration of your child. Please refer to your child's teacher's specific website page.


Tardiness: Your child will be considered tardy if he/she is not in the classroom at 8:10am when the bell rings. It is extremely important that your child arrives at school on time. Please check-in with the office if your child is tardy.


Understanding: We always have your child's best interest at heart, but there are a lot of student needs and a lot to remember. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Volunteers: Volunteers are welcome in our classroom. We will inform you when we feel like our classes are ready to take volunteers. It is important that we get to know each other, establish a daily routine, and learn the classroom procedures before we invite parents into the classroom. Thank you for your understanding and support! Please e-mail your child's teacher if you would like to volunteer, and make sure you attend the parent volunteer class in the fall.


Website: Check out our classroom website often. Useful classroom information and updates will be provided throughout the school year.

Word Wall: The sight words that we study will be placed on our classroom word wall as we introduce them to the children. Also, other frequently used words will be added.


eXcited: We are looking forward to an exciting year!


Year: We are going to have a busy and fun-filled year!


ZZzzzz: Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a reasonable bedtime is a wonderful gift. It will help your child to be alert and ready to learn each day!