
08/17: Signed syllabus

08/21: Textbook covered.

08/21: Act 1 & 2 p4 / 5 p5.

08/23: Act 1-3 p8 / 7 p9

08/24: Act 5 p9

08/30: 1-3 p12 / 4 p13.

08/31: 1 & 2 p16, and 3 p17

09/04: Act 1 & 2 p22.

09/10: Le Petit Prince ch1 reading comprehension questions.

09/12: Le Petit Prince ch2 reading comprehension questions.

09/13: Le Petit Prince ch3 comprehension questions.

09/18: Le Petit Prince ch 4 comprehension questions.

09/21: Le Petit Prince ch 5 & ch 6 comprehension questions.

09/28: Le Petit Prince ch 7 comprehension questions.

10/02: Le Petit Prince ch 8 comprehension questions.

10/05: Composition - Les relations - chapter 8 as guide.

10/17: Le Petit Prince ch 9 comprehension questions.

10/22: Le Petit Prince ch 10 comprehension questions.

10/24: Le Petit Prince ch 11 - 10 sentences summary & 10 sentences on the meaning of the chapter.

10/26: Le Petit Prince ch 11/12 - comprehension questions.

11/02: Le Petit Prince ch 13 - comprehension questions.

11/12: Warm up for chapter 14 of LPP:

  • Answer these 3 questions about chapter 14:

1. Est-il poosible de controler le temps?

2. Qu'est-ce que la consigne represente?

3. Est-ce qu'il faut toujours suivre la consigne?

11/30: Le Petit Prince reading comprehension question.

12/06: Le Petit Prince ch 22, 23, & 24 paragraphs.

12/11: 1 & 2 pp 38-9.

12/14: 8 p 43.

01/11: 1 & 2 p46

01/14: Conjugations - Regarder, Finir, Devenir, Aller, Avoir, Etre, Faire

01/16: Act 1 & 2 p 52

01/22 Act 4 p 104.

01/28: Act 1, 2, & 3 p 50 / 5 p 51.

01/29: Act 1, 3, & 4 p 72.

02/04: Act 6 p 77 (Presentational speaking)

02/12: Act 1 p 80 / 3 & 4 p 81

02/15: Act 1 & 2 p 86

02/21: 1, 2, & 3 p 89

02:22: 02/22: Composition - Intergenarational issues: Qu'est-ce que vos parents, vos amis, vos profs ont du mal a comprendre a propos de vous? Quel genre de parent esperez-vous etre un jour?

02/27: Act 1 p 104 & 4 p 105

03/01: Act 1 p 138 & 4 p 139.

03/08: FNC contest practice.

03/12: Act 1, 2, & p 142.

03/01: Act 1 p 138 & 4 p 139

03/13: 1 p 138 & 4 p 139

03/18: 1, 2, & 3 p 142

03/20: 4 & 6 p 143

04/01: The over arching theme for our studies this week is "What is the influence/consequence of time and space (distance) on our relationships with others (family/friends/others)? Do time and space work in our favor or against us? Correlation with "Le Petit Prince", his travels, exploring, learning, leaving his rose, leaving the Fox, regrets, joys.

1. Please do activities 2 page 104 and 4 page 105

2. Watch the film "Pas de bagage" on pages 106-7. Click on the S video at the top of page 107 to view the video.

3. Please do activities 5 & 7 page 109.

4. Write a 3 paragraph composition on how time and space has affected you and your relationship with a family member, a friend, or someone else.

5. Presentational speaking: Please read/record your composition to/for "the class"

04/12: Composition "Le temps et l'espace.

04/16: 1 & 2 p 172 / 3 p 173

04/19: 1, 2, & 3 p 176

04/25: 3 paragraph composition (8-10 sentences each) based on activity 6 page 177.

05/02: L'Homme qui plantait des arbres resume pages 13-21.

05/07: L'Homme qui plantait des arbres resume pages 22-29.

05/13: L'Homme qui plantait des arbres resume pages 30-36.

08/16/19: Syllabus signed

08/20/19: Review part 1

08/21/19: Review part 2 - Subjunctive

08/23/19: Text book covered

08/23/19: 2 p 4

08/29/19: Avant l'ecoute 2 p 14

08/31/19: Pendant l'ecoute 1 p 14

09/04/19: 3 p 14

09/09/19: Composition - Prompt 4 p 15.

09/13/19: 3 p 18

09/19/19: 3 p 22

09/24/19: 1 p 21

09/24/19: 5 p 22

09/25/19: "Presentation orale" based on 5 p 22.

10/01/19: Act 1 p 28 / Act 1 (audio) p 28

10/09/19: Interpersonal - email - Mona 5 p 36

10/10/19: 1& 2 p 45

10/23/19: 3 p 66 / 1, 2, & 3 p 67

10/31/19: 1 & 2 p 69 / 4 p 70.

11/08/19: 1 & 2 p69 / 4 p70

11/12/19: 2 & 3 p76 / Audio 1 p76

11/15: Persuasive essay (4 p77)

12/04: 1 & 2 p79 / 4 p 80

12/05: 1, 2, & 3 p 127.

12/10: 4 & 5 p130.

12/11: Oral presentation (5 p130 / La beauté)

01/08/2020: 1 & 3 p 188

01/09/2020: 3 p 189

01/14/2020: 4 p 192

01/16/2020: Audio 2 p 198 / vocab 1 p198

01/17/2020: 1 & 4 p 199.

01/21/2020: 1, 2, & 3 p 201

01/27/2020: 1, 2, & 3 p 202

01/30/2020: 1 & 4 p 204 / 6 p 205

01/31/2020: 7 & 5 p 205.

02/03/2020: presentational speaking - Un plat - 5 p 205

02/10/2020: Vocab quiz - Food

02/12/2020: 1 & 3 p 211

02/16/2020: 3 & 4 p 212.

02/20/2020: 1, 2, & 3 p 217

02/21/2020: 5 & 7 p 218

03/02/2020: 1 p 224 & audio 2 p 225

03/05/2020: 3 p 225