Exam Information

IB Exam Fees

IB exam fees for the 2023-2024 school year are $125 per exam. This fee includes the cost and postage for each exam. Students will sit for IB exams from April 25-May 17, 2024. The May 2024 Exam Schedule will be available here once details are finalized. Please pay fees for IB exams through Jeffco Connect or the DRHS Financial Office.

To view a slideshow with information regarding Exam Registration and Earning the IB Diploma, click here.

Earning College Credit

In 2003, Colorado passed legislative bill HB1108. This bill guarantees a minimum of 24 semester hours of credit for all IB Diploma graduates who attend a Colorado four-year public college or university and do not have a score of less than 4 on an IB exam. This is an incredible incentive for IB Diploma graduates who elect to remain in Colorado for college.  

For more information on how college credits are awarded in the state of Colorado for IB classes, go to: Colorado Commission on Higher Education.

Although all state-supported schools are required to publish current IB credit award information, you are urged to look at the individual campus policies for how IB credits are awarded in various subjects and contact individual schools with any questions you may have. 

The IB continually works with colleges and universities around the world to recognize and award IB graduates. For information regarding how the IB works with higher education, go to IBO.org