Parent Letter

Happy Tuesday!

Tomorrow is our last full day of school. Thursday is a half-day and school will dismiss at 11:00.

We cleaned out our desk today and they have books, red folders with grades, and a folder from Third grade with lots of memories and awards from today. I am linking the awards video to my parent letter. I took pictures and I will also send them to you as well.

Tomorrow will be a fun day. We have ordered pizza for all the kids for lunch. We are hoping to have a picnic outside and enjoy some lunch. I have cookies, chips, drinks and popsicles. They can wear spirit wear tomorrow as well.

I can’t thank you enough for all your support this year, your loving notes, and words of encouragement. This is the best class to end on. Come by and see me in the ELV next year.

Love you all,

Mrs. Mary
