Orientation Packet

First Day:

  • Pack of diapers

  • 4 packs of wipes

  • Paci (to keep at school) (if needed)

  • Snacks (if you feel you need to send some)

  • Change of clothes to keep a school-- in a plastic bag labeled with child's name

  • Diaper Cream/ Baby Powder (if needed)

  • Milk Cup (to keep at school; will be washed daily)

  • Water Cup (to keep at school; will be washed weekly, or as needed)

Every Day:

  • Bottles premade, if needed, until weaned off

Beginning of Every Month:

  • 4 packs of wipes

Cold Months:

  • Jacket every day

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival- School doors open at 7:30 a.m. You can park anywhere outside the ELV. Enter through ‘D’ door* and sign in your child at the table. I or another teacher/aide will be there to take your child to class**. ‘D’ door will lock at 8. If you arrive after 8 you will have to drop your child off in the elementary office.

Dismissal- Pick up will be similar to arrival. Come in ‘D’ door and wait there for your child to be brought to you.

*’D’ Door is the door under the overhang

**FIRST DAY you may walk your child to class

Parent/Teacher Communication

Text messages- This is my main form of communication. I require a group text message between myself and both parents (if applicable).

Daily Sheets- A sheet will be sent home every day with information about things your child ate, time they napped, how your child was interacting with other children, diaper changes, and other information. This sheet will also be how I will let you know if your child needs more clothes to keep at school, diapers, or wipes.

Teacher Website- Every Friday I will update my website with information and activities from the week and information about the upcoming week. https://jcseagles.org/myjcs/teacher-websites/

Phone Calls- I am available for phone calls between 7:30-8:00 and 2:00-2:30.

E-mails- You may email me at my school email address (emily.malec@jcseagles.org) I check and respond to emails during nap.

I do not respond to emails/text/phone calls after 3:30 (unless a true emergency with your child).

Food & Drinks

Snack- We have a snack every morning and afternoon which is provided by the school. You are welcome to send your own snack.

Lunch- I will send a hard copy of the lunch menu home at the beginning of each month. You can also access it here: https://jcseagles.org/myjcs/lunches/. Lunch includes a main course, veggie, fruit, and/or side. Whole milk is served with lunch. The cost for your child’s lunch is included in the cost of tuition.

Food from Home- If your child prefers to have lunch/snack from home, we have microwaves and will be happy to warm it. Please send something that can be warmed in 30-60 seconds, AND READY TO EAT (i.e. foods cut to appropriate size). Round foods such as grapes and hot dogs must be quartered and cut to bite size.

Drinks- Whole milk is provided by the school and will be served at lunch time. Water will be served with snacks as well as throughout the day. Please do not send carbonated beverages.

General Information

Holiday Care- During breaks (ie Fall/Christmas ect) there will be Holiday Care. You MUST sign up. I am not here but Mrs. Crystal will be.

Birthdays- You may provide a fun snack for birthdays. Please clear your fun snack with me before you send-- Nothing messy like cupcakes may be sent- I will send back home.

Backpacks- I do not require a backpack/diaper bag if you do not have lots of things that need to be sent back and forth.

Medicine- If your child needs to take medicine during the school day, it will be stored in the ELV office. You must fill out a medication form (acquired from the ELV office) to keep on file. Please do not keep medicine in your child’s backpack.

Nap- Nap will be from 12:00 - 2:15 p.m. each day. Every child will be supplied with a Happi-Nappi and you may send a small pillow/blanket/stuffed animal. These items will be sent home on Fridays to be washed.

Outside Time- If the weather permits, we will take the children outside each day to promote gross motor skills and physical exercise. Please send a jacket everyday when it is cold.