Parent Information

Mrs. Carter’s Classroom Rules


1.    Listen when your teacher is talking.

2.   Follow directions quickly.

3.   Respect others, Respect yourself, Respect your school.

4.   Raise your hand to speak or stand.

5.   Be safe, Be kind, Be honest.


Classroom Behavior Management

 In our classroom, we will have a lot of different forms of management that foster a positive learning environment for all of the students. My biggest form of classroom management is using Class Dojo. I award points for several different things throughout the day. Students being on task, following directions, helping others, etc. will receive "points" for their character. At the end of the week, the boy and girl with the most points will get to pick a drink from my refrigerator to enjoy during our afternoon time. If a student is off task, not following directions, etc. they can also lose points for the character. So, it really encourages students to try to earn as many points as they can. 

For "major behavior" instances, examples being continuously not following directions after being reminded several times, hitting, kicking, biting, threatening, will result in pulling a card. Each day, students will start on green. Then, if they pull 1 card - they are on yellow. They will have this written on their conduct sheet, as well as having 15 minutes out of their first recess. If they continue, they will then be moved to red. This will be written on their conduct sheet, and a phone call or text will be sent. They will also be sent to the office to visit with Mrs. Jeanna. 

Homework Folder

Please check their Homework Folder each night for assigned homework. Please sign their yellow Conduct Sheet each day and return in their folder.  You will also find your child’s homework as well as any notes that are being sent home. This is where I would like you to put any notes for me.  This folder is very important.  It is our line of daily communication. Please leave their Homework Assignment sheet in their folder.

Weekly Envelope of Graded Work

Every Monday, I will send home a yellow envelope with your child’s graded work in it.  These are the papers that I have taken a grade on and recorded in my grade book on Renweb.  You may also check your child’s grade on Renweb at any time.  It will give you their average up to that time.  Please look over all of the work, go over the work with your child, and praise your child for his/her effort.  There will be a line on the folder for you to sign and date each week.  Please keep the papers and return the signed empty envelope to me the next day.  All other papers that we do in class will come home with them daily in their "Take Home" folder that they will put in their backpack.  They do not need to bring these papers back.  They are classwork papers that were not graded for the purpose of recording in the Renweb grade book as an assessment.


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Let’s have a great year!                                              

 PowerPoint Presentation from Orientation 

-Mrs. Carter