Prayer Program Request

JCNC's cultural team has great pleasure in launching a Community Prayer Program, effective October 1, 2015.

Prayers are powerful ways to bring Aatmik Sukh Shata (well-being of the soul) and positivity to an individual. The purpose of this program is to facilitate this between an individual and the entire JCNC community. JCNC community is like an extended family and with the power of prayers, we can certainly bring positive energy to those who need it in the most difficult times.

How will the program work?

First, you submit a request for prayers for your family member or a friend. You can do this by using an online request form on the JCNC website OR by simply sending an email to or calling someone in the community who can then contact the cultural team.

After reviewing your request, the team will request the JCNC community to pray for the wellness of the individual via sending out an email. We hope that prayers will bring lots of positivity to the individual and his/her family in the need of the hour.

For any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact the cultural team at

Click here to open the Prayer Program Request form.

Jai Jinendra and Pranam

Cultural Team