

Why Do Retail Prices Fall During Seasonal Demand Peaks?, with R. Andrew Butters and Daniel W. Sacks, forthcoming at RAND Journal of Economics

Apple News


“How Do National Firms Respond to Local Shocks?,” with R. Andrew Butters and Daniel W. Sacks, American Economic Review (2022), 112:5, 1737-1772. (Appendix)

Youtube interview

Forecasting Unemployment Insurance Claims in Realtime with Google Trends, with Daniel Aaronson, Scott Brave, R. Andrew Butters, Michael Fogarty, and Daniel W. Sacks, International Journal of Forecasting (2022), 38(2): 567-581.

The Effect of Cannabis Legalization on Substance Demand and Optimal Taxes,  with Keaton Miller, National Tax Journal (2021), 74:1, 107-145

The Indicator from Planet Money (NPR)

The Conversation

Wall Street Journal

Investor Place

MJ Biz Daily

“Taxing the Potency of Sin Goods: Evidence from Recreational Cannabis and Liquor Markets,” with Benjamin Hansen, Keaton Miller, and Caroline Weber, National Tax Journal (2020), 73:2, 511-544.

Probably Causation Podcast

“Using the Eye of the Storm to Predict the Wave of Covid-19 UI Claims,” with Daniel Aaronson, Scott Brave, R. Andrew Butters, and Daniel W. Sacks, Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, 9, 2020: 59-76.

“The Effects of Public and Private school on Academic Achievement,” with Sun Ku Hahn and Tae-Whan Kim, Seoul Journal of Economics, vol. 27, no. 2, 137-147 (2014).

Working Papers

“Racial Difference in Retail Prices Paid,” with R. Andrew Butters and Daniel W. Sacks, submitted.

National Affairs

Macroblog at the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank

Identification and Estimation of Discrete Choice Demand Models when Observed and Unobserved Product Characteristics are Correlated, with Amil Petrin and Mark Ponder, NBER working paper 30778, submitted.

“The Empirical Analysis of Predatory Pricing Aspects of Loss Leading.” Draft available upon request.

Work in Progress

“Uniform Pricing in the Sharing Economy,” with R. Andrew Butters and Daniel W. Sacks.

“The Economic Value of Diversity,”

"Firm Scope and the Value of One-Stop Shopping in Washington State's Deregulated Liquor Market," 

"Minimizing Fleet Emissions Through Optimal EV Subsidy Design and Vehicle Replacement," with Matthew H. Shapiro.

"Optimal Loyalty Programs in Platforms," with Matthew H. Shapiro.

“Competition for Land in a Market for Control with Economies of Density,” with Thomas J. Holmes and Matthew H. Shapiro.

Other Media Coverage

Indianapolis Business Journal

Recurring columns on The Asia Business Daily (아시아 경제)