Level 2 - Equivalent Fractions

Step 1: Watch this tutorial about equivalent fractions. (Click "Watch a tutorial")

Step 2: Complete the exercise for finding equivalent fractions. Write down the problems and your solutions. You must get 5 correct answers to move on.

Step 3: Complete the Exit Ticket:

1. What happens when you multiply a number by one?

2. Provide 3 examples of fractions equal to one.

3. List the first 3 fractions equivalent to:

a. 3/5

b. 4/7

4. Find the "one" we multiplied by to create the equivalent fractions. Find the missing number (x) and complete the equation.

a. 4/5 = x/20

b. 7/9 = 35/x

c. 28/49 = 4/x