7. PreConference: Technology Coaches’/Facilitators Job-a-Like

Friday September 18, 2015

Supporting teachers in integrating technology can be a lonely and trying endeavor. Building your own professional learning network is an effective way to share good practices, sharing successes and challenges. One way for Technology Facilitators / Coaches / Coordinators to network is through a Job-a-Like; where peers can gather to talk, collaborate and learn.

ISKL will host a 1 day Pre-Conference, Friday September 18, 2015 for a Technology Facilitators/Coaches/Coordinators Job-a-Like. ISKL’s Doug Woodward will facilitate a day of sharing and collaborating around themes, issues and successes shared by the group. We hope that this day will prove to be a valuable learning opportunity for all who participate to share, collaborate, network and challenge each others thinking regarding best practices for instructional support of educational technologies. There are no additional costs to iPad Conference attendees. iPad Conference speaker and Cyber Safety Guru, Robyn Treyvaud, will work with the Group for 1 hour in the day. There will be an additional breakout workshop session as well as several opportunities dedicated to getting feedback on challenges your school might be facing while coming up with strategies to address those challenges.

If you are interested in participating in the Job-a-Like Pre Conference at ISKL’s Second Annual iPad Conference, please complete the signup form HERE. Space is limited.
