How To Run A Dynamic Advisory Program

Workshop Details

WHEN: Saturday, 12 November to Sunday, 13 November 2016 (8:00am - 4:00pm)

WHERE: ISKL Ampang Campus (MPR1)


FOCUS: Service Learning - Advisory Program REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 7th NOVEMBER 2016

Workshop Overview

This weekend is based on recent work by Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., (CBK Associates) and Barbara Cervone, Ed.D. (What Kids Can Do) and the development of Advisory: A Dynamic Approach being implemented at the International School of Kuala Lumpur, school-wide, grades 9-12. Cathryn also has a version for middle school.

Advisory programs have an established presence in many international schools. However, do the programs rise to the desired level of the school? Consider these questions:

  • Does your advisory advance the mission of your school?
  • Are students engaged in a purposeful way?
  • Do advisory experiences have application within academics and other areas of school life?
  • Is advisory time seen as expendable – a “go to” time for assemblies or other meetings?
  • Will advisory serve the school well, in that the time invested manifests significant benefits for all involved?

These questions illuminate the planning and shaping of a meaningful advisory program.

Student Learning Outcomes

Spend a weekend with other like-minded educators to explore how to build or strengthen an advisory for your school that has value, purpose, and direction. Together we delve into how to frame a well-designed program. Our topics include:

  • Clarifying the purpose of a meaningful advisory program.
  • Align the concept of advisory with whole child learning and what we now know about the adolescent brain.
  • Scaffolding a thoughtful sequence and progression for a semester-long or year-long program for at least one grade level.
  • Begin to identify the content for the advisory to include knowledge, skills and dispositions learning experiences
  • Shaping the content to include knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities of coordinators, advisors and students.
  • Experiencing a set of dynamics that model the design for an effective middle school and high school advisory concept.
  • Lead meaningful reflective experiences with students.
  • Design a meaningful advisory learning experience based on having experienced several model dynamics that model for either middle school or high school level.

Cathryn Berger Kaye

Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., of CBK Associates, presents globally on a variety of themes and topics. While she may be best known for her work in service learning, Cathryn has been designing advisory style programs for over 12 years, always customizing them to meet the needs of particular schools. Currently, she has two programs – a middle school program “Dynamics for Success: Opportunities to Learn, a Reason to Serve” and “Advisory: A Dynamic Approach” for high school. She has other versions that have been adopted by individual schools and also school districts. For those of you who know Cathryn, these programs and this weekend includes a high level of participation employing diverse approaches to teaching and learning. For questions about the program and the weekend, email Cathryn at