ELA Training

Workshop Details

WHEN: Monday, 11 to Wednesday, 13 September 2017

WHERE: ISKL Melawati Campus

FEES: Free for ISKL Faculty


Workshop Overview

As part of our on-going support for the implementation of the CCSS for ELA, Carl Anderson will be working with ISKL’s Elementary English teachers.

Learning Outcomes

Carl will give clear focus on classroom strategies and assessment practices. He will be working with teams, modelling and giving feedback. More information will be shared closer to the date.


Carl Anderson

Carl Anderson is a literacy consultant and writer who works with teachers around the world. He is the author of How’s It Going? A Practical Guide to Conferring With Student Writers (2000), Assessing Writers (2005), and Strategic Writing Conferences: Smart Conversations that Move Young Writers Forward Grades 3-6 (2009). Carl was an elementary and middle school teacher in the Bronx, NY, Bardstown, KY, and Northbrook, IL, as well as Lead Staff Developer at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University. Carl lives with his family in Brooklyn, NY.