EARCOS Weekend Workshop 


Workshop Details

WHEN: Saturday, 2 to Sunday, 3 December 2023 (8:00am - 3:30pm)

WHERE: ISKL Ampang Hilir Campus (MPR1)

FEES: EARCOS Members USD100             Non EARCOS Members USD200 (For non ISKL, please sign up below)

          For ISKL Faculty only (please sign up on the PD Google Calendar) 

FOCUS: All who are interested in Service & Sustainability          

TRAINER: Aaron Moniz (Inspire Citizens)         



To begin the cancellation process, please email us at professionallearning@iskl.edu.my                                                                                             

Workshop Overview

Participants will explore the Inspire Citizens' Empathy to Impact approach and engage with resources to enhance curriculum for global citizenship, service, and sustainability. The Inspire Citizens Empathy to Impact approach follows the Care- Aware- Able- Impact framework. This is a service learning cycle, an enhanced inquiry cycle, and project-based learning cycle, and a method of enhancing any curriculum approach. Participants will develop student empathy by engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals, Social Justice Standards, and Well-being indicators.

Participants will look for opportunities to enhance action through Inspire Citizens' Action menu and community assets mapping, participants will explore tools for authentic investigation to allow students to become more deeply aware of the issues that they care about, and all will integrated into curricular outcomes to enhance existing curriculum for global citizenship, service, and action for sustainability.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this session, participants will be able to:


Aaron Moniz

Aaron Moniz is one of the Co-Founders and Co-Directors of Inspire Citizens.  Aaron helps schools around the world to develop whole school implementation programs for service learning and education for sustainable development as a means of developing global citizens.  Aaron uses the Inspire Citizens’ Global Impact Schools Self Study to conduct strategic visioning and goal setting to articulate best practice professional learning approaches and personalize them to the unique context of each school.  Aaron also uses the Inspire Citizens Empathy to Impact Approach to enhance curriculum at any grade level or subject area, and he helps schools to design K-12 scope and sequences, scaffolding the development of service learning and active global citizenship. Alongside the Inspire Citizens team members, Aaron also helps to develop student leadership programs, and facilitates the Inspire Citizens Global Citizenship Certificate; an online professional development program for global educators.  Aaron believes that schools can become centers for community impact and strives to help schools see the large-scale impact that they can have by slightly optimizing their existing systems and centering on sustainable change.