Ochan Kusuma-Powell

Saturday 9:30 - 10:00

Question for Participants to Consider in Advance of our Meeting:

Presented by Ochan Powell

How might we, as trainers, foster a culture that results in transformation for our participants?

Saturday 10:50 - 12:05

What Do Mentor Trainers Look For in Aspiring Trainers?

Presented by Ochan Powell

This session is for both mentor trainers as well as those on the trainer’s journey. Participants will explore the indicators that mentor trainers look for in trainees to determine readiness for solo presentation, including technical aspects (knowledge of content, process and presentation skills), and more adaptive indicators (identity, States of Mind and monitoring of group energy).

Saturday 12:35 - 1:50

Dealing With Resistance in the Training Setting

Presented by Ochan Powell

As trainers how might we work with, rather than against resistance, to honor both the needs of the individual and the group when it occurs during a training session?

Saturday 2:35 - 3:05

Facilitated Conversation

Presented by Ochan Powell

What, in our thinking, might contribute to our collective resourcefulness?  

Sunday 9:30 - 10:00

Question for Participants to Consider in Advance of our Meeting:

Presented by Ochan Powell

How might we, as trainers of Adaptive Schools use the Energy Sources in our delivery of the work?

Sunday 10:50 - 12:05

What Do Mentor Trainers Look For in Aspiring Trainers?

Presented by Ochan Powell

This session is for both mentor trainers as well as those on the trainer’s journey. Participants will explore the indicators that mentor trainers look for in trainees to determine readiness for solo presentation, including technical aspects (knowledge of content, process and presentation skills), and more adaptive indicators (identity, States of Mind and monitoring of group energy).

Sunday 12:35 - 1:50

Dealing With Resistance in the Training Setting

Presented by Ochan Powell

As trainers how might we work with, rather than against resistance, to honor both the needs of the individual and the group when it occurs during a training session?

Sunday 2:35 - 3:05

Facilitated Conversation

Presented by Ochan Powell

What, in our thinking, might contribute to our collective resourcefulness?