Technology & Maker space Lab

Welcome to Ms Leonard's Website

Hello and welcome to Ms Leonard's 21st Century Skills and Technology Class

I like to call what we do in our class more than technology it is more like a STEAM Lab. Here we will use creative play to inspire learning. We will use the skills we learn along the way to create, design, and make our ideas come alive.

The primary focus of our class is to expand our understandings and use of skills of the 21st Century Skills as identified by ISTE. By using the skills - Creating, Collaborating, Communicating, and Critically Thinking - we are able to learn about nearly any topic.

I am so excited to be your Technology teacher this year! We are going to do so many FUN things and of course we will LEARN a lot too.

Come follow us at my blog Spot Ms. Leonard's Class of Technological Wizardry

Here is what Mrs. Leonard is reading right now.

Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students!Is the learning in your classroom static or dynamic? Does your classroom offer one and done types of learning activities, or does the learning grow, inspire, and evolve throughout the year and beyond? With digital tools that are available 24/7, the learning doesn’t have to stop when the bell rings, or when the worksheet is turned in. The learning takes on a life of its own; it becomes dynamic.In this book, you will learn practical strategies to help move your classroom from static teaching to dynamic learning. This book will guide you through the entire process, from purposeful planning to fearless implementation, with helpful tips and tricks along the way. Be dynamic and shake up learning in your classroom this year.

And This too..

Best-selling author Jen Hatmaker is convinced life can be lovely and fun and courageous and kind. She reveals with humor and style how Jesus’ embarrassing grace is the key to dealing with life's biggest challenge: people. The majority of our joys, struggles, thrills, and heartbreaks relate to people, beginning with ourselves and then the people we came from, married, birthed, live by, go to church with, don’t like, don’t understand, fear, compare ourselves to, and judge. Jen knows how the squeeze of this life can make us competitive and judgmental, how we can lose love for others and then for ourselves.