Student Led Conferences and Report Cards

Post date: Jan 25, 2018 4:04:52 PM

Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, January 31, in a sealed envelope. Enclosed, you will find some helpful information about how we're reporting what your student knows and is able to do. Please open the report card and read the materials together with your student. We'll talk about these at conference time.

Conferences are coming soon: February 5, 6, and 7. I sent the sign-up link yesterday in an email. In the fall, we had Goal-Setting Conferences. This time around, we will hear from your child about their progress toward their go

als in both academic and social areas. Your child will tell you all about their strengths and weaknesses in class, will present you with their Winter FAST Reading and Math scores, and will show you how they spend most of their days. There's a lot of preparation that goes into this conference and I know the students will be excited to share with you!