
Post date: Sep 5, 2017 3:48:50 AM

We're going to be keeping track of events, assignments and projects in our planners. Each student buys one from the office or PTA Representative at the beginning of the school year. We put a full year calendar marked with specialist days (8-day rotation) in the front cover so students will always be able to check on upcoming dates. We'll mark on the full-month calendars any events that need to be added (like Bulldog Fridays and testing dates). Students with complicated after-dismissal schedules can keep track of these in the planners, too. On the daily pages, we'll write in-class assignments and homework so parents can see what's we're learning. I encourage you and your child to add lessons and games and family events to the calendars as well. It's the best time to learn to keep track on a calendar - when they're old enough to do it themselves and their schedules demand some time management.

Planners will be sent home every day. Take a look daily or occasionally, as you like. I'll ask some parents to initial the planner daily if necessary. Use this info to spur discussion. Send the planner back to school every day.