Book Reports

A total of 12 book reports are due in my class each year. I know this may seem like a lot, but it gets the kids reading and used to presenting- a skill that will be needed as they go into high school. Each quarter, a written, presentation and conference report will be due. Half of the grade is based on the student's completion of reading the book and the rest is on the content provided in the report. For written reports, I do require a rough draft along with the final draft. This doesn't mean that everything needs to be typed, but does mean that a process was taken in writing the report. The presentation report is given to the entire class while the conference is held with me. Below are the due dates for your planning.


Quarter 1

Written September 20

Presentation October 11

Conference November 1

Quarter 2

Written November 22

Presentation December 13

Conference January 10

Quarter 3

Written January 31

Presentation February 21

Conference March 13

Quarter 4

Written April 3

Presentation April 24

Conference May 15