SAWAH file format

You can copy this sample file to create your own sawah soil file. Just change the values, then copy and paste as an ordinary text file.


*                       SAWAIN.DAT                              *

*                                                               *


*                                                               *


** Code to recognize correctness of data file: this file for

*  SAHEL water balance



* User defined OPTION switches; all integers; dimensionless

* NB !!!!  Switches SWIT1, SWIT2, SWIT4 are not user-defined;

*          there are assigned values at lower level CALLs 



* SWIT3  : conductivity function option switch

* NB !     at SWIT9=2, not all combinations of SWIT3 and SWIT8

*          are allowed; see comments at SWIT9

* SWIT3=1: simple Rijtema

* SWIT3=2: extended Rijtema

* SWIT3=3: Van Genuchten

* SWIT3=4: Power function




* SWIT5  : time step option switch 

* SWIT5=1: Variable time step

* SWIT5=2: Fixed time step; DTFX must be specified


SWIT5 = 1  


* SWIT6  : soil moisture initialization option switch 

* SWIT6=1: initial soil moisture in hydrostatic equilibrium 

*          with groundwater

* SWIT6=2: initial soil moisture entered as specified values;

*          WCLQTM must be specified

* SWIT6=3: initial soil moisture at wilting point


SWIT6 = 2  


* SWIT7  : lower boundary condition option switch: 

* SWIT7=1: pressure head at lower boundary derived from 

*          groundwater level (specified in ZWTB)

* SWIT7=2: free drainage


SWIT7 = 1


* SWIT8  : moisture characteristic option switch; active at 

*          both values of SWIT9

* NB !     at SWIT9=2, not all combinations of SWIT3 and SWIT8 

*          are allowed; see comments at SWIT9

* SWIT8=1: Driessen

* SWIT8=2: Van Genuchten

* SWIT8=3: linear interpolation on log scale 




* SWIT9  : soil characterization option switch

* SWIT9=1: conductivity and moisture characteristic specified 

*          by user through parameter values in this file;

*          all combinations of SWIT3 and SWIT8 are allowed

* SWIT9=2: conductivity and moisture characteristic derived by 

*          SAWAH from soil type number only; soil type number 

*          to be specified in TYL. 

*          Only certain combinations of SWIT3 and SWIT8 are 

*          allowed at this value of SWIT9:

*             SWIT3=1 and SWIT8=1 (simple Rijtema conductivity 

*          combined with Driessen moisture characteristic)

*             SWIT3=2 and SWIT8=1 (extended Rijtema conductivity

*          combined with Driessen moisture characteristic)

*             SWIT3=3 and SWIT8=2 (Van Genuchten conductivity 

*          combined with Van Genuchten moisture characterisic)

* NB1 !    for SWIT9=2, SWIT3=4/5 cannot be used 

* NB2 !    for SWIT9=2, SWIT8=3/4 cannot be used



******************* time discretization **********************

* fixed time step; DTFX is only active when SWIT5=2:

DTFX = 0.1                                        ! units: d

* relative minimum; active in all options:

DTMIN = 0.0005                                    ! units: d

* absolute maximum; active in all options:

DTMX1 = 0.1                                       ! units: d

* Warning: too large DTFX (at SWIT5=2) and too large 

*          DTMIN (SWIT5=1) will lead to oscillations

*          in simulated water contents. Both can be 

*          0.01 d or larger for 'slow' soils (KST<10 

*          cm/d), but should be decreased to 0.001 d

*          or lower for highly permeable soil (KST>

*          100 cm/d). (Values are based on TKL=0.1 m 

*          for all compartments; for smaller TKL, 

*          smaller DTFX and DTMIN are needed.

*          Check temporal behaviour of output water 

*          contents. 


***************** space discretization ***********************

* number of compartments; maximum is 10; active in all options


* Thickness of soil compartments; the dimension of TKL in this

* data file should be equal to NL; active in all options:

TKL = 9*0.10 !  units: m


***************** initialization of state ********************

* initial depth of surface water layer; active in all options

WL0QTI = 0.10  !  units: m

* initial depth of evaporation front; active in all options

ZEQTI = 0.0   !  units: m

* initial moisture content; active only at SWIT6=2; 

*NB ! values should not exceed WCST as specified in this file


* (for SWIT9=1) or in data base (for SWIT9=2); the dimension 

* of WCLQTM should be equal to NL

WCLQTM = 3*0.52, 3*0.55, 2*0.61, 0.64 !  units: - 


***********  this section can be ignored if SWIT9=2  *********

*************** soil hydraulic conductivity  *****************

********* 'parameter' section: active only for SWIT9=1 *******

*NB ! The dimension of all parameters in this section should 

*     be equal to NL; 

* active for all options SWIT3=1/2/3/4/5: 

* saturated hydraulic conductivity

KST = 2*127.0, 0.03, 3*35.0, 2*103.0, 42.0

* active for options SWIT3=1/2: simple and extended Rijtema 

KMSA1 = 9*0.03 ! units: 1/cm

* active only for option SWIT3=2: extended Rijtema

KMSA2 = 9*3.6  ! units: (cm**2.4)/d

KMSMX = 9*300. ! units: cm

* active only for option SWIT3=3: parameter for Van Genuchten 

VGN = 3*1.119, 3*1.095, 2*1.076, 1.073 ! n parameter (-)

* active only for option SWIT3=4: parameter for power function 

PN  = 9*-2.   ! units: -

********** end of conductivity 'parameter' section ***********


************* this section can be ignored if SWIT9=2  ********

**************** soil moisture characteristic ****************

****** 'parameter' section: active only for SWIT9=1 **********

* active for all options SWIT8=1/2/3/4: 

* water content at saturation; volume fraction

WCST = 3*0.52, 3*0.55, 2*0.61, 0.64        ! TEMPORAL USE

WCFC = 3*0.35, 3*0.36, 2*0.40, 0.43

WCWP = 3*0.19, 3*0.20, 2*0.23, 0.25

WCAD = 9*0.10

* SOIL TEXTURE AND BULK DENSITY, this section is need for actual root growth simulation

SANDX = 3*0.25, 3*0.20, 2*0.18, 0.15            ! soil sand content

CLAYX = 3*0.35, 3*0.40, 2*0.50, 0.55            ! soil clay content

BD    = 3*1.27, 3*1.19, 2*1.03, 0.95            ! soil bulk densiTY


* Soil chemical properties needed soil C&N dynamics

SOC = 2*3831.,2044.,4529.,832.6,273.8,28.6,14.0,2.8      

SON = 2*191.6,113.6,283.,55.5,22.8,2.6,1.3,0.25      

SNH4X = 5.75,4.79,2.27,5.67,1.11,0.46,0.052,0.026,0.005     

SNO3X = 2.9,2.4,1.3,2.8,0.55,0.23,0.026,0.013,0.0025

* Fresh organic carbon and nitrogen input at soil layers

*FORGANC =200.0,150.0,100.0,50.0,5*0.0    !Fresh organic residue carbon input from previous crop at kg C/ha

*FORGANN =4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0,5*0.0           !Fresh organic residue nitrogen input from previous crop at kg N/ha

* If the carbonhydrate and cellulous fractions are available in soil residue carbon input

* otherwise, the default values will be used

*FCarboh =

*FCellulo =

*RCarboh =

*RCellulo =

* active only for option SWIT8=1: parameter for Driessen 

MSWCA = 9*0.01 ! units -

* active only for option SWIT8=2: parameters for Van Genuchten

VGA = 3*0.127, 3*0.047, 2*0.078, 0.032 ! a parameter (cm-1)

VGL = 3*-6.2, 3*-0.6, 2*-4.9, -11.1    ! l parameter (-)

VGR = 9*0.01                           ! residual water content (-)

* active only for option SWIT8=3: parameters for 

* interpolation. To be specified: the pF values corresponding 

* to eleven given values of relative moisture content: 

* PFWC00 for relative moisture content 0.0

* PFWC01 for relative moisture content 0.1, .... etc

* PFWC10 for relative moisture content 1.0

* NB1 ! Each line contains NL positions, one for each 

*       compartment

* NB2 ! All values in the first line (PFWC00) should be 7.0

*       All values in the last line (PFWC10) should be 0.0

*       For any given position (=compartment), all values 

*       should decrease monotonically from PFWC00 down to 

*       PFWC10


PFWC01=5*6.3,  2*6.4, 2*6.5

PFWC02=5*5.5,  2*5.8, 2*6.0

PFWC03=5*4.8,  2*5.3, 2*5.5

PFWC04=5*4.1,  2*4.8, 2*5.0

PFWC05=5*3.3,  2*4.0, 2*4.4

PFWC06=5*2.48, 2*3.90, 2*3.9

PFWC07=5*1.70, 2*3.33, 2*3.4

PFWC08=5*1.27, 2*2.76, 2*2.82

PFWC09=5*0.76, 2*1.48, 2*2.05


***** end of moisture characteristic 'parameter' section *****


********** this section can be ignored if SWIT9=1  ***********

************ hydraulic soil properties by soil type **********

******** 'soil type' section: active only for SWIT9=2  *******

* If SWIT9=2, physical soil characteristics are assigned to 

* each compartment by only defining the soil type in each 

* compartment. SAWAH makes use of a small data base, 

* containing consistent sets of parameter values, tabulated in 

* DRSAWA. See above comments at SWIT3, SWIT8 and SWIT9 in this 

* file. For available types, see listing DRSAWA in manual .

* The dimension of TYL in this data file should be equal to NL

TYL = 1, 1, 2, 2, 6*2                              !  units: -

***************** end  of 'soil type' section ****************


****************** other soil parameters *********************

*****************  active in all options *********************

* effective soil vapor diffusivity:

CSC2 = 0.1 ! units: cm2/d

* soil evaporation parameters:

CSA = 0.005 ! units: cm2/d

CSB = 1.0  ! units:  -

* maximum layer of surface water WL0

WL0MX = 0.25  !  units: m

* index of compartment containing drain tubes/moles

* NB ! If no artificial drainage, set to zero !!!

IDRAIN = 0  !  units: -

* Maximum rooting depth                            

ZRTMS = 1.00 ! units: m


********************Groundwater depth ************************

*************** active in all options ************************

* Groundwater will be ignored only at the simultaneous 

* occurrence of two conditions:

*  (1)  SWIT7=2

*  (2)  groundwater depth as specified here is deeper than

*       the lower profile boundary (=sum of TKL)

* If SWIT7=2, it is possible that groundwater is ignored only 

* part of the simulated time due to part-time fulfillment of 

* condition (2).

* The groundwater level is prescribed by means of a table

* containing datapoints in the form (DAY,LEVEL)

* The maximum number of datapairs is 365. If not all 

* daynumbers are entered, SAWAH will interpolate between data

* points - linear.

ZWTB =   1.,0.20,



* 10. re-initialization


* Initial ponded water depth and water contents may be reset:

* Ponded water depth: to minimum of WL0I and WL0MX

* Water contents in all soil layers: to saturation value

* For direct seeded rice, this happens at emergence, for transplanted

* rice, this happens at transplanting (see TIMER.DAT file)

* Re-initialize switch RIWCLI is YES or NO




* 11. Observations/measurements

*     Switches to force observed water contents in water balance


* WCL1_OBS, WCL2_OBS,...WCL10_OBS: Observed soil water contents 

* in layer 1, 2, ..., 10. Format: year, day number, water content

* Not obligatory to give data



** Parameter to set forcing of observed water content yes (2) or no (0)

** during simulation (instead of using simulated values)

*WCL1_FRC = 0 ! No forcing

*WCL1_FRC = 2 ! Forcing 

* Table for interpolation of water content between soil layers for

* those layers for which no observations were made: first number is

* the soil layer for which interpolation needs to be done, the second

* is the number of the underlying soil layer, the third is the number 

* of the overlying soil layer. No interpolation is performed when all 

* three numbers are the same: 

WCLINT  = 1, 1, 1,

          2, 2, 2,

          3, 3, 3,

          4, 4, 4,

          5, 5, 5,

          6, 6, 6,

          7, 7, 7,

          8, 8, 8,

          9, 9, 9

* MSKPA1_OBS, MSKPA2_OBS,...MSKPA10_OBS: Observed soil water contents 

* in layer 1, 2, ..., 10. Format: year, day number, water content

* Not obligatory to give data