SAHEL file format

You can copy this sample file to create your own sahel soil file. Just change the values, then copy and paste as an ordinary text file.


* SAHELIN.DAT. Soil data input file for DRSAHE (SAHEL water *

* balance model) as implemented in ORYZA2000 version 3 *


** Code to recognize correctness of data file: this file for

* SAHEL water balance



* 1. General meaning of the switches


* ===============================

* SWIT9 = 1 ! Moisture characteristics defined by user parameters

* = 2 ! as defined by soil type number

* SWIT8 = 1 ! Driessen moisture characteristic,

* = 2 ! Van Genuchten moisture characteristic,

* = 3 ! Linear interpolation on user-defined log scale

* = 4 ! Use pF curve parameters

* SWIT6 = 1 ! Initial water content at field capacity

* = 2 ! Initial water content at wilting point

* = 3 ! Initial water content at observed values

* Compatibility of SWIT9 and SWIT8 switches

* =========================================

* SWIT9 | SWIT8 | Comment:

* 1 | 1 | requires WCST and MSWCA for each layer

* 1 | 2 | requires WCST, VGA, VGR and VGN for each layer

* 1 | 3 | requires WCST and PFWC00-PFWC10 for each layer

* 1 | 4 | requires WCST, WCFC, WCWP and WCAD for each layer

* 2 | 1 | requires TYL array for each layer

* 2 | 2 | requires TYL array for each layer

* 2 | 3 | incompatible

* 2 | 4 | incompatible

* Meaning of TYL soil type numbers

* ================================

* (Driessen moisture characteristic)

* 1. Coarse sand 11. Fine sandy loam

* 2. Medium coarse sand (mcs) 12. Silt loam

* 3. Medium fine sand 13. Loam

* 4. Fine sand 14. Sandy clay loam

* 5. Humous loamy mcs 15. Silty clay loam

* 6. Light loamy mcs 16. Clay loam

* 7. Loamy mcs 17. Light clay

* 8. loamy fine sand 18. Silty clay

* 9. Sandy loam 19. Heavy clay

* 10. Loess loam 20. Peat

* (Van Genuchten moisture characteristic)

* 1. Lovinkhoeve 12b

* 2. Lovinkhoeve 16a

* Switch settings (see above)

SWIT9 = 1 ; SWIT8 = 4




* Number of soil layers (should not exceed 10.)

NL = 10

* Array of thicknesses of the soil layers, m

TKL = 10 * 0.10

* Number of soil type of which the characteristics are assigned

* to the soil layers, -

TYL = 10 * 19.

* Water retention parameters

WCST = 10*0.52

WCFC = 10*0.48

WCWP = 10*0.21

WCAD = 10*0.01

* Initialization of soil water content

* Switch setting

SWIT6 = 1

* User-defined initial water content, cm3/cm3

WCLQTM = 9 * 0.48

* Evaporation extinction coefficient, m-1

EES = 20.

* Maximum rooting depth soil (m)

ZRTMS = 10.

* Fraction runoff from rain (-)

FRNOF = 0.0

* Minimum amount of rain that will not runoff but will infiltrate (mm)





* SOIL TEXTURE AND BULK DENSITY, this section is need for actual root growth simulation

SANDX = 3*0.25, 3*0.20, 2*0.18, 0.15 !soil sand content

CLAYX = 3*0.35, 3*0.40, 2*0.50, 0.55 !soil clay content

BD = 3*1.27, 3*1.19, 2*1.03, 0.95 !soil bulk density

* Soil chemical properties needed soil C&N dynamicS, kg C or N/ha

SOC = 2*3831.,2044.,4529.,832.6,273.8,28.6,14.0,2.8

SON = 2*191.6,113.6,283.,55.5,22.8,2.6,1.3,0.25

SNH4X = 5.75,4.79,2.27,5.67,1.11,0.46,0.052,0.026,0.005

SNO3X = 2.9,2.4,1.3,2.8,0.55,0.23,0.026,0.013,0.0025

* Fresh organic carbon and nitrogen input at soil layers

*FORGANC =200.0,150.0,100.0,50.0,5*0.0 !Fresh organic residue carbon input from previous crop at kg C/ha

*FORGANN =4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0,5*0.0        !Fresh organic residue nitrogen input from previous crop at kg N/ha

* If the carbonhydrate and cellulose fractions are available in soil residue carbon input

* otherwise, the default values will be used

*FCarboh =

*FCellulo =

*RCarboh =

*RCellulo =


* Observations/measurements

* Switches to force observed water contents in water balance


* WCL1_OBS, WCL2_OBS,...WCL10_OBS: Observed soil water contents

* in layer 1, 2, ..., 10. Format: year, day number, water content

* Not obligatory to give data



** Parameter to set forcing of observed water content yes (2) or no (0)

** during simulation (instead of using simulated values)

*WCL1_FRC = 0 ! No forcing

*WCL1_FRC = 2 ! Forcing

* Table for interpolation of water content between soil layers for

* those layers for which no observations were made: first number is

* the soil layer for which interpolation needs to be done, the second

* is the number of the underlying soil layer, the third is the number

* of the overlying soil layer. No interpolation is performed when all

* three numbers are the same:

WCLINT = 1, 1, 1,

2, 2, 2,

3, 3, 3,

4, 4, 4,

5, 5, 5,

6, 6, 6,

7, 7, 7,

8, 8, 8,

9, 9, 9,

10, 10, 10

* MSKPA1_OBS, MSKPA2_OBS,...MSKPA10_OBS: Observed soil water contents

* in layer 1, 2, ..., 10. Format: year, day number, water content

* Not obligatory to give data