PADDY file format

You can copy this sample file to create your own paddy soil file. Just change the values, then copy and paste as an ordinary text file.


* Standard soil data (PADDY) file for ORYZA V3 rice growth model          *

* File name : standard.sol                                                *


* Code name of soil data file to match the water balance PADDY:



* 1. Various soil and management parameters                               *


WL0MX = 50. ! Bund height (mm)

NL = 9      ! Number of soil layers (maximum is 10) (-)

TKL = 3*0.05, 3*0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20 ! Thickness of each soil layer (m)

ZRTMS = 1.0 ! Maximum rooting depth in the soil (m)


* 2. Puddling switch: 1=PUDDLED or 0=NON PUDDLED                          *


*SWITPD = 0 ! Non puddled

SWITPD = 1 ! Puddled

* If PUDDLED, supply parameters for puddled soil

NLPUD = 3 ! Number of puddled soil layers, including the plow sole (-)

           ! (NLPUD cannot exceed the total number of soil layers NL)

* Saturated volumetric water content of ripened (previously puddled)

* soil (m3 m-3), for each soil layer:

WCSTRP = 3*0.52, 3*0.55, 2*0.61, 0.64

* Soil water tension of puddled soil layer at which cracks reach

* break through the plow sole (pF):

PFCR = 6.0


* 3. Groundwater switch:                                                  *

* 0=DEEP (i.e., not in profile), 1=DATA (supplied), 2=CALCULATE           *


SWITGW = 0 ! Deep groundwater

*SWITGW = 2 ! Calculate groundwater

*SWITGW = 1 ! Groundwater data

* If DATA, supply table of groundwater table depth (cm; Y-value)

* as function of calendar day (d; X value):

ZWTB = 1.,500.,


* If CALCULATE, supply the following parameters:

ZWTBI = 500. ! Initial groundwater table depth (cm)

MINGW = 500. ! Minimum groundwater table depth (cm)

MAXGW = 500. ! Maximum groundwater table depth (cm)

ZWA = 1.0 ! Receding rate of groundwater with no recharge (cm d-1)

ZWB = 0.5 ! Sensitivity factor of groundwater recharge (-)


* 4. Percolation switch                                                  *

* Value for SWITVP can not be 1 (CALCULATE) for non-puddled soil         *


SWITVP = -1 ! Fixed percolation rate

*SWITVP = 0 ! Percolation as function of the groundwater depth

*SWITVP = 1 ! Calculate percolation

* If SWITVP = -1, supply fixed percolation rate (mm d-1):

FIXPERC = 10.0 ! 3.0

* If SWITVP = 0, supply table of percolation rate (mm d-1; Y-value)

* as function of water table depth (cm; X value):

*PERTB = 0., 3.,

* 200., 3.


* 5. Conductivity switch: 0=NO DATA, 1=VAN GENUCHTEN or 2=POWER          *

* function used                                                          *


*SWITKH = 0 ! No data

*SWITKH = 2 ! Power

SWITKH = 1 ! van Genuchten


* 6. Water retention switch:                                             *

* 0=DATA; 1=VAN GENUCHTEN                                                *

* When DATA, data have to be supplied for saturation, field capacity,    *

* wilting point and at air dryness                                       *


*SWITPF = 0 ! Data

SWITPF = 1 ! van Genuchten


*7.A. Soil physical properties                                           *

* These parameters will be used when model runs under actual water or    *

* nitrogen condition, or even both. Otherwise these parameter will not be*

* used.                                                                  *


CLAYX = 0.55,0.55,0.55,0.55,0.53,0.5,3*0.45 ! soil clay content, fraction

SANDX = 0.08,0.08,0.08,0.08,0.1,0.13,3*0.18 ! soil sand content, fraction

BD = 1.17894,1.17894,1.17911,1.42734,1.2695,1.31061,3*1.37562 ! soil sand

                                                               ! content, fraction

*Soil organic carbon and nitrogen content in kg C or N/ha

SOC = 31831.64999,31831.64999,20044.87,48529.56,8632.66799,2673.6648,280.62648,28.063,2.8063

SON = 2829.48,2829.48,1886.576,4567.488,812.4864,251.639039,26.411903,2.64, 0.264

SNH4X = 28.295,28.295,18.87,45.67,8.12,2.50,0.26,0.026,0.00264

SNO3X = 5.66,5.66,3.774,9.134,1.624,0.5,0.052,0.0052,0.00052

*Fresh organic carbon and nitrogen input at soil layers

*FORGANC =200.0,150.0,100.0,50.0,5*0.0  ! Fresh organic residue carbon input

                                         ! from previous crop at kg C/ha

*FORGANN =4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0,5*0.0         ! Fresh organic residue nitrogen input

                                         ! from previous crop at kg N/ha

* If the carbonhydrate and cellulous fractions are available in soil residue

* carbon input. Otherwise, the default values will be used

*FCarbonh =

*FCellulo =

*RCarbonh =

*RCellulo =


* 7.B. Soil hydrological properties.                                    *

* Required type of data input according to setting of conductivity and  *

* water retention switch                                                *


* Saturated hydraulic conductivity, for each soil layer

* (cm d-1) (always required!):

KST = 2*127.0, 0.3, 3*35.0, 2*103.0, 42.0

* Saturated volumetric water content, for each soil layer

* (m3 m-3)(always required!):

WCST = 3*0.52, 3*0.55, 2*0.61, 0.64

* Van Genuchten parameters, for each soil layer

* (needed if SWITKH = 1 and/or SWITPF = 1):

VGA = 3*0.127, 3*0.047, 2*0.078, 0.032  ! a parameter (cm-1)

VGL = 3*-6.2, 3*-0.6, 2*-4.9, -11.1     ! l parameter (-)

VGN = 3*1.119, 3*1.095, 2*1.076, 1.073  ! n parameter (-)

VGR = 9*0.01                            ! residual water content (-)

* Power function parameters, for each soil layer (-)

* (needed if SWITKH = 2):

*PN = 3*-2.5, 3*-2.5, 2*-2.5, -2.5

* Volumetric water content at field capacity, for each soil layer

* (m3 m-3)(needed if SWITPF = 0):

*WCFC = 3*0.48, 3*0.47, 2*0.52, 0.58

* Volumetric water content at wilting point, for each soil layer

* (m3 m-3) (needed if SWITPF = 0):

*WCWP = 9*0.21

* Volumetric water content at air dryness, for each soil layer

* (m3 m-3) (needed if SWITPF = 0):

*WCAD = 9*0.01


* 8. Initialization conditions, and re-initialization                   *


WL0I = 0.    ! Initial ponded water depth at start of simulation (mm)

* Initial volumetric water content at the start of simulation,

* for each soil layer (m3 m-3):

WCLI = 3*0.52, 3*0.47, 2*0.52, 0.58

* Initial ponded water depth and water contents may be reset:

* Ponded water depth: at minimum of WL0I and WL0MX

* Water contents in all soil layers: at saturation value

* For direct-seeded rice, this happens at sowing, for transplanted

* rice, this happens at transplanting

* Re-initialize switch RIWCLI is YES or NO




* 9. Initialization of soil thermal conditions                          *


SATAV = 25.0 ! Soil annual avaerage temperature of the first layers

SOILT = 27.0, 25.0, 23.0, 21.0, 19.0, 4*17.0 ! Initial soil temperature in each layer

* ! Have to provide above either one or two of the above paremeters,

* ! otherwise, model start the calculation of soil temperature at 0 degree


* 10. Observations/measurements *

* Switches to force observed water content in water balance *


* WCL1_OBS, WCL2_OBS,...WCL10_OBS        : Observed soil water contents

* in layer 1, 2, ..., 10.          Format: year, day number, water content

* Not obligatory to give data

* Table for interpolation of water content between soil layers for

* those layers for which no observations were made: first number is

* the soil layer for which interpolation needs to be done, the second

* is the number of the underlying soil layer, the third is the number

* of the overlying soil layer. No interpolation is performed when all

* three numbers are the same:

WCLINT = 1, 1, 1,

2, 2, 2,

3, 3, 3,

4, 4, 4,

5, 5, 5,

6, 6, 6,

7, 7, 7,

8, 8, 8,

9, 9, 9