Crop file format

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* Crop data file for ORYZA rice growth model                         *

* Variety   : <provided by user>                                     *

* File name : STANDARD.CRP                                           *

* <Information of user's reference>                                  *



* 1. Phenological development parameters


TBD = 8.  ! Base temperature for development (oC)

TBLV = 8. ! Base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth (oC)

TMD = 42. ! Maximum temperature for development (oC)

TOD = 30. ! Optimum temperature for development (oC)

DVRJ = 0.0006560 ! Development rate in juvenile phase (oCd-1)

DVRI = 0.0007576 ! Development rate in photoperiod-sensitive phase (oCd-1)

DVRP = 0.0006810 ! Development rate in panicle development (oCd-1)

DVRR = 0.0023510 ! Development rate in reproductive phase (oCd-1)

MOPP = 11.50  ! Maximum optimum photoperiod (h)

PPSE = 0.0    ! Photoperiod sensitivity (h-1)

SHCKD = 0.4   ! Relation between seedling age and delay in phenological

               ! development (oCd-1)


* 2. Leaf and stem growth parameters


RGRLMX = 0.0085 ! Maximum relative growth rate of leaf area (oCd-1)

RGRLMN = 0.0040 ! Minimum relative growth rate of leaf area (oCd-1)

SHCKL = 0.25    ! Relation between seedling age and delay in leaf area

                 ! development (oCd-1)

SHADET = 0.90   !* Tolerance index to shading with value 0.1 to 0.99

                 !* from susceptible to high tolerance, default

                 !* is 0.5 to indicate fair tolerance.

* Switch to use SLA as table (give values below) or as fixed function

*SWISLA = 'FUNCTION' ! Give function parameters ASLA, BSLA, CSLA, DSLA,

                      ! SLAMAX

SWISLA = 'TABLE'     ! Give SLA as a function of DVS in the table SLATB

* If SWISLA='FUNCTION', supply SLA function parameters:


ASLA = 0.0024 ! (-)

BSLA = 0.0025 ! (-)

CSLA = -4.5   ! (-)

DSLA = 0.14   ! (-)

SLAMAX = 0.0045 ! Maximum value of SLA (ha/kg)

* If SWISLA='TABLE', supply table of specific leaf area (ha kg-1; Y value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

SLATB = 0.00, 0.0045,

0.16, 0.0045,

0.33, 0.0033,

0.65, 0.0028,

0.79, 0.0024,

2.10, 0.0023,

2.50, 0.0023

* Table of specific green stem area (ha kg-1; Y value) as a function of

* development stage (-; X value):

SSGATB = 0.0, 0.0003,

0.9, 0.0003,

2.1, 0.0000,

2.5, 0.0000


* 3. Photosynthesis parameters


FRPAR = 0.5    ! Fraction of sunlight energy that is

                ! photosynthetically active (-)

SCP = 0.2      ! Scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (-)

CO2REF = 340.  ! Reference level of atmospheric CO2 (ppm)

CO2 = 385.     ! Ambient CO2 concentration (ppm)

* Table of light extinction coefficient for leaves (-; Y-value) as a function

* of development stage (-; X value):

KDFTB = 0.00, 0.4,

0.65, 0.4,

1.00, 0.6,

2.50, 0.6

* Table of extinction coefficient of N profile in the canopy (-; Y-value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

KNFTB = 0.0, 0.4,



2.5, 0.4

* Table of light use efficiency (-; Y-value) as a function of

* temperature (oC; X value):

EFFTB = 0.,0.54,





* Table of effect of temperature on AMAX (-; Y-value) as a function of

* temperature (oC; X value):

REDFTT = -10., 0.,

10., 0.,

20., 1.,

37., 1.,

43., 0.,

60., 0.

* Table of N fraction in leaves on leaf area basis (g N m-2 leaf; Y-value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

NFLVTB = 0.00, 0.54,

0.16, 0.54,

0.33, 1.53,

0.65, 1.22,

0.79, 1.56,

1.00, 1.29,

1.46, 1.37,

2.02, 0.83,

2.50, 0.83

AMAXSLN0 = 22.0  !* Leaf nitrogen content corresponding

                  !* coefficient to AMax (g N/m-2 leaf))

MINSLN = 0.2     !* Minimum leaf nitrogen content for that

                  !* Am (maximum rate CO2 assimilation) is 0.0 (g N/m2 leaf)


* 4. Maintenance parameters


* Maintenance respiration coefficient (kg CH2O kg-1 DM d-1) of:

MAINLV = 0.02  ! Leaves

MAINST = 0.015 ! Stems

MAINSO = 0.003 ! Storage organs (panicles)

MAINRT = 0.01  ! Roots

TREF = 25.  ! Reference temperature (oC)

Q10 = 2.    ! Factor accounting for increase in maintenance

             ! respiration with a 10 oC rise in temperature (-)


* 5. Growth respiration parameters


* Carbohydrate requirement for dry matter production (kg CH2O kg-1 DM leaf)of:

CRGLV = 1.326 ! Leaves

CRGST = 1.326 ! Stems

CRGSO = 1.462 ! Storage organs (panicles)

CRGRT = 1.326 ! Roots

CRGSTR = 1.11 ! Stem reserves

LRSTR = 0.947 ! Fraction of allocated stem reserves that is

               ! available for growth (-)


* 6. Growth parameters


FSTR = 0.20       ! Fraction of carbohydrates allocated to stems that

                   ! is stored as reserves (-)

TCLSTR = 10.      ! Time coefficient for loss of stem reserves (1 d-1)

SPGF = 64900.     ! Spikelet growth factor (no kg-1)

WGRMX = 0.0000249 ! Maximum individual grain weight (kg grain-1)

* Partitioning tables

* Table of fraction total dry matter partitioned to the shoot (-; Y-value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

FSHTB = 0.00, 0.50,

0.43, 0.75,

1.00, 1.00,

2.50, 1.00

* Table of fraction shoot dry matter partitioned to the leaves (-; Y-value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

FLVTB = 0.000, 0.60,

0.500, 0.60,

0.750, 0.30,

1.000, 0.00,

1.200, 0.00,

2.5, 0.

* Table of fraction shoot dry matter partitioned to the stems (-; Y-value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

FSTTB = 0.000, 0.40,

0.500, 0.40,

0.750, 0.60,

1.000, 0.10,

1.200, 0.00,

2.5, 0.

* Table of fraction shoot dry matter partitioned to the panicles (-; Y-value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

FSOTB = 0.000, 0.000,

0.500, 0.000,

0.750, 0.100,

1.000, 0.900,

1.200, 1.000,

2.5, 1.

* Table of leaf death coefficient (d-1; Y-value) as a function of development

* stage (-; X value):

DRLVT = 0.00, 0.000,

0.60, 0.000,

1.00, 0.015,

1.60, 0.025,

2.10, 0.050,

2.50, 0.050


* 7. Carbon balance parameters


* Mass fraction carbon (kg C kg-1 DM) in the:

FCLV = 0.419   ! Leaves

FCST = 0.431   ! Stems

FCSO = 0.487   ! Storage organs (panicles)

FCRT = 0.431   ! Roots

FCSTR = 0.444  ! Stem reserves


* 8. Root parameters


GZRT = 0.01   ! Growth rate of roots (m d-1)

ZRTMCW = 0.25 ! Maximum depth of roots if no drought stress (m)

ZRTMCD = 0.40 ! Maximum depth of roots if drought (m)


*SROOTL = 90.0  ! Special root length cm/g DM

RMINT = 5.0     ! Minimum temperature for root growth

ROPTT = 25.0    ! Optimum temperature of root growth

RTBS = 2.0      ! Minimum temperature for root to survive

RCNL = 0.012    ! Lowest root nitrogen content (residue root N content,

                 ! kg N kg-1 ROOT DM)

SODT = 0.9      ! The tolerance index of oxygen deficiency


* 9. Temperature and drought stress parameters


COLDMIN = 12. ! Lower air temperature threshold for growth (oC)

COLDEAD = 3.  ! Consecutive number of days below COLDMIN that crop dies (-)

COLDREP = 21. !* The threshold temperature for cold caused sterility (oC)

CTSTER = 36.5 !* The threshold temperature for heat caused sterility (oC)

* Upper and lower limits for drought stress effects

ULLS = 74.13   ! Upper limit leaf rolling (kPa)

LLLS = 794.33  ! Lower limit leaf rolling (kPa)

ULDL = 630.95  ! Upper limit death of leaves (kPa)

LLDL = 1584.89 ! Lower limit death of leaves (kPa)

ULLE = 1.45    ! Upper limit leaf expansion (kPa)

LLLE = 1404.   ! Lower limit leaf expansion (kPa)

* Switch to use ULTR and LLTR as given above or function built in ORYZA

* for the reduction in relative transpiration:

* SWIRTR = 1, Use ULRT AND LLRT for transpiration; SWIRTR = 2, Use SWIRTRF

* for transpiration; SWIRTR = 3, Use FSWTD for transpiration

SWIRTR = 3  ! Use function

* Give value of ULRT and LLRT for SWIRTR = 1

ULRT = 74.13   ! Upper limit relative transpiration reduction (kPa)

LLRT = 1584.89 ! Lower limit relative transpiration reduction (kPa)

* Give value for SWIRTRF if SWIRTR= 2, default value SWIRTRF=0.003297

SWIRTRF = 0.020597

* Give value for FSWTD if SWIRTR= 3, default value SWIRTRF=0.003297

* The upper limit factor while transpiration declines which is the ratio of

* remaining available water to total water supply capability

FSWTD = 0.40


* 10. Nitrogen parameters


NMAXUP = 8.     ! Maximum daily N uptake (kg N ha-1 d-1)

RFNLV = 0.004   ! Residual N fraction of leaves (kg N kg-1 leaves)

FNTRT = 0.15    ! Fraction N translocation from roots, as (additonal)

                 ! fraction of total N translocation from stems and leaves

                 ! (-)

RFNST = 0.0015  ! Residual N fraction of stems (kg N kg-1 stems)

TCNTRF = 10.    ! Time coefficient for N translocation to grains (d)

NFLVI = 0.5     ! Initial leaf N fraction (on area basis: g N m-2 leaf)

FNLVI = 0.025   ! Initial leaf N fraction (on weight basis: kg N kg-1 leaf)

NDSENS = 0.95   !* Nitrogen deficiency sensitivity, 0.5=fair as default,

                 !* >0.5 tolerance, <0.5 sensitive, Value range 0.0 to 1.0

NMAXSO = 0.0175 ! Maximum N concentration in storage organs (kg N kg-1)

* Table of minimum N concentration in storage organs (kg N kg-1 DM; Y value)

* as a function of the amount of N in the crop till flowering (kg N ha-1; X

* value):

NMINSOT = 0., .006,

50., .0008,

150., .0125,

250., .015,

400., .017,

1000., .017

* Table of maximum leaf N fraction on weight basis (kg N kg-1 leaves; Y value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

NMAXLT = 0.0, .053,

0.4, .053,

0.75, .040,

1.0, .028,

2.0, .022,

2.5, .015

* Table of minimum leaf N fraction on weight basis (kg N kg-1 leaves; Y value)

* as a function of development stage (-; X value):

NMINLT = 0.0, 0.025,

1.0, 0.012,

2.1, 0.007,

2.5, 0.007

*--- Table of effect of N stress on leaf death rate (-; Y value)

* as a function of N stress level (-; X value):

NSLLVT = 0., 1.0,

1.1, 1.0,

1.5, 1.4,

2.0, 1.5,

2.5, 1.5