Control file format

You can copy this sample file to create your own control file. Just change the values, then copy and paste as an ordinary text file. 

CONTROLFILE = 'E:\exercise\control.dat'



FILEON = 'res.dat'   ! Output file

FILEOL = 'model.log' ! Log file

FILEIR = 'E:\exercise\reruns.rer'   ! Rerun file

FILEIT = 'E:\exercise\standard.exp' ! Experiment file

FILEI1 = 'E:\exercise\standard.crp' ! Crop file

FILEI2 = 'E:\exercise\standard.sol' ! Soil file


* Optionally, Weather Station information can be provided here                           *

* It is useful for large amount of simulations under same management                     *


*WTRDIR = 'E:\exercise\weather\'     !* Folder name of weather files

*CNTR = 'PHIL'                       !* Weather station name

*ISTN = 2                            !* Weather station number

*MULTIY = 'YES'                      !* Whether multiple year weather file is used,

                                     !* default is ‘NO’ or if the variable do not appear.


* Rice monoculture cropping system                                                       *

* the default for SOILKILL is "YES", soil will be re-initiated every                     *

* crop season, and all processes in soil will also stop as growth stop.                  *

* if "NO", soil will only be initiated at the starting date of simulation                *

* and all processes in soil will continue after growth stop.                             *


*SOILKILL = 'NO'              !* Whether the soil processes continue after crop maturity


* Set output/print options *


PRDEL = 1.        ! Output time step (day), too much reruns, omit detail outputs!

IPFORM = 5        ! Code for output table format:

COPINF = 'N'      ! Switch variable whether to copy the input files to the output

                    ! file ('N' = do not copy,

                    ! 'Y' = copy)

DELTMP = 'N'      ! Switch variable what should be done with the temporary output

                    ! file ('N' = do not delete,

                    ! 'Y' = delete)

IFLAG = 1100      ! Indicates where weather error and warnings go

                    ! (1101 means errors and warnings to log file, errors to screen

                    ! see FSE manual)


* 'LAI', 'LAI_OBS'            !* It is for the output variables in res.dat

OPSTRING = 'DAE, WRR14, WAGT' !* It is for the output variables in op.dat

*IOBSD = 2008,161

                              !* List of observation data for which output is required.

                              !* The list should consist of pairs <year>,<day> combination