Behavior Plan

Our Classroom Behavior Plan- Mrs. Frederick-3rd Grade

In the classroom we use what is called a clip chart. It is a chart that is made up of seven sections, each a different color. Everyday the student’s clothespins with their names on them start out clipped to the green section (Ready to learn). Though out the day, based on their behavior they will have the opportunity to move up or down the chart. From green they can move up to yellow (good day), orange (great job), and red (awesome). If they make it to red and they are still showing amazing behavior they can then move their clip to Top of the chart.

Students could also move down from green to blue (think about it), purple (off track), and then white (parent contact). If a student gets to white, a “Making Better Choices” form will be sent home, telling you what rule(s) your child broke. It will need to be signed and returned to school.

Students at green or above will be able to enjoy all of recess. If they are on blue-5 min will be deducted from recess, purple-10 min from recess, and white-they will miss all of recess.

If misbehavior is severe I may call home or send the child to speak with the principal.

You should be very proud of your child if they stay on or above green!

This year we will also be using an online behavior tracking site called Class Dojo. You will be getting information about it sent home with your child. Students can earn points to their Dojo monster by doing positive things in class. They can also lose points by doing negative things.