About the Department

The Philosophy Department at Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi, has a long and illustrious history, being one of the oldest Departments. Established in 1924, Pandit Ram Deva became its first faculty member. In 1933, Miss Bina Das Gupta joined the Department and later served as the College's longest-serving Principal from 1947 to 1972.

Committed to the institutional vision of 'educating, enabling, and empowering young women,' the Department prioritizes the holistic development of its students, offering them a new perspective on life. The Department actively engages in teaching-learning and evaluation process and emphasizes skill-oriented learning, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving. To enhance student-centric learning, the Department employs various methods, including classroom discussions, ICT tools, audio-visual aids, and interdisciplinary pedagogies. Actively participating in research, innovation, and extension activities, the Department secures grants from government agencies, such as ICPR grants for Periodic Lecture Series.

Faculty members are dedicated to continuous improvement, participating in various development programs, workshops, and conferences at national and international levels. The Department organizes seminars, conferences, academic field trips, and student paper presentations, aligning with its institutional social responsibility and upholding the college motto 'Truth, Love, Knowledge, Service.' It serves as an intellectual hub, fostering a vibrant community of thinkers who explore profound questions about existence, morality, and knowledge. Through rigorous inquiry and diverse perspectives, it cultivates an environment that encourages critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the philosophical underpinnings shaping our world. It has provided a solid basis for diverse career paths. Our alumni have achieved success in academia, law, corporate environments, civil services, and various research institutions.

 Updated on: 30th June, 2024