The History of our Town

The first settlers of Torredembarra were Roman people, between I century BC and II century AC. That’s because this zone was near to the most important city of the Iberian Peninsula in the roman age, Tarraco (currently Tarragona). The origins of the name of the village Torredembarra come from Torre d’en Barres (the Barres’ tower).

Between the Roman age and the starting of XI century, in Torredembarra were only isolated houses. The beginning of this town was the Clarà village, constituted on 1057 (until the XIII or XIV century, Clarà was another town more important than Torredembarra). Since 1206, our town has been in the hands of several dukes or counts, who organized other territories too.

In 1524, inhabitants of Torredembarra created the Jui de Prohoms (the precursor of the local government), able to try the citizens. Another important fact of our history was the plague of 1640, which cause hundreds of victims. The tale says that a picture of Santa Rosalia treated the illness. After that incident, she is the patron saint of Torredembarra and people praise her picture. The biggest festivals in the town are dedicated to her.

Torredembarra continued growing up during the next two hundred years. In 1811, Napoleon army’s cross the town going to conquer the city of Tarragona. In that century, the village was divided between the old town (La Torre) and the fishermen houses (Baix a mar). In addition to fishing, the maritime business was an important element for our ancestors’ economy.

We say that because at the ending of XIX century, a lot of torrencs (inhabitants of this town) went to Cuba to make fortune. Antoni Roig (founder of the first free school of the town) and Pere Badia (founder of the firs hospital, who has a street with his name) are good examples of the Indians. In those century, a lot of new streets appeared in Torredembarra (like the street Antoni Roig, or known as Carrer Nou, the new principal street). In that period, the village was the residence of distinguished Catalans like Ramon Casas (modernist painter) and Joan Güell (partner of the architect Antoni Gaudí).

Actually, Torredembarra continue growing up in population (about fifteen thousand), above all in the summer months (when the number is two or three times biggest). Our town had become an important touristic destination, thanks to the four kilometres of beaches and a very good climate. In these days, tourism is the main income stream of the village, more than the classical ranching, fishing or the agriculture.