Galaxy Clusters At VIRCAM


GCAV : Galaxy Clusters At VIRCAM

A VISTA ESO Public Survey (198.A-2008%, P.I. M. Nonino)

GCAV is a second generation ESO Public VISTA Survey aimed at observing 20 Clusters of Galaxies covering in total ~30 deg2 in Y, J and Ks bands

Science Goals:

Galaxy clusters and filaments host a rich variety of galaxy types and environments and are ideal testbeds in which to study the role of nature versus nurture in galaxy evolution. VIRCAM @ VISTA Field of View will allow to sample a wide dynamic range in density from the field to overdense regions in clusters central regions.

The proposed depths will also allow e.g. search for high-redshift QSO and cool L,T dwarfs; to study the infrared galactic star counts and colours, and compare them with theoretical predictions.

Targets (green: observations completed

Pilot Survey (P98):

The image show the stack of data from early observations carried out in P98 (Oct 2016-Dec 2016) for three of the four observed clusters (from left to right RCS2J2327, WHLJ2433, ACT CLJ0102, Ks band).


P98 (Oct2016-Mar2017,       33hrs, 198.A-2008(A)):    Targets observed: ACT-CLJ0102, RCSJ2J2327, RXCJ2248, WHLJ24

P99 (Apr 2017-Sep 2017,  100 hrs, 198.A-2008(B)):    Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1, PLCKG287, RXCJ1515, RXCJ2129,  RXCJ2248

P100 (Oct 2017-Mar 2018, 83 hrs, 198.A-2008(C)):    Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1, MACSJ0553.4, RCS2J2327, RXCJ0600.1, RXCJ2248, SMACSJ0723.3

P101 (Apr 2018-Sep 2018, 146 hrs, 198.A-2008(D)):  Abell 370, Abell 1300, Abell 2744, ACT-CLJ0102, PLCKG004, RCS2J2327, RXCJ2211, SPT_CLJ0254, WHLJ24

03 Jan 2019: DR1 

P102 (Oct 2018-Mar 2019,    44hrs, 198.A-2008(E)):    Abell 1300, MACSJ0553.4, RXCJ0600.1,  SMACSJ0723.3

P103 (Apr 2019-Sep 2019,      70hrs, 198.A-2008(F)):    Abell 370, Abell 2163,  ACT-CLJ0102, RXCJ1347.5, WHLJ24

P104(Oct 2019 -Mar 2020,    73 hrs, 198.A-2008(G)):   Abell370, EMSS0451, MACSJ0553.4, SMACSJ0723.3, SPT-CLJ0254

P105(Apr 2020-Sep 2020) :  No observations (Covid19) 

Dec 2020 15: VIRCAM observations resumed

P106(Oct 2020-Mar 2021) : Abell 2163, Abell 2744, MACSJ0553,  RXCJ0600, RXCJ1347, SPT_CLJ0254, WHLJ2433

P107 (Apr 2021-Oct 2021):  Abell 2163, Abell 370, ACT_CLJ0102, SPT_CLJ0254, WHLJ2433

02 March 2022: Last OB observed!!


21 Feb 2023: DR3: all OBs collected during the survey released World Wide

DR3  link brings you to the ESO Release page.


EMSS0451: MegaPrime g,i-VIRCAM J

Cluster core: galaxies Stellar Mass (Leethochawalit

et al, 2019, Ap.J.,885,id100)

EMSS0451: MegaPrime g,i-VIRCAM J

Full VIRCAM J band (red) field of view and MegaPrime g,i