Advent Devotional Resources

This Advent, you're invited to join together for a devotional journey!
The theme is...

Immanuel, God with Us

Each weekday in Advent will have....
a devotion from the pastors,
an invitation to "be with" others,
and an ornament craft to hang up around your house as we visibly count the days to Christmas!

For Saturdays
We’ll invite you to either come up with your own creative idea for decorating your ornament, or perhaps give an idea for two days on Friday!

For Sundays
There is an Advent Candle to colour with the theme of the candle that we light at church!

We hope old and young together will join in as we journey toward Christmas, celebrating and anticipating our coming Christ!

Listen here to the devotions, and find the ornament craft sheets below!

2020 Immanuel Advent Ornaments.pdf
Advent Devos.docx