
Middle Constructions in Bengali. Presented at Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC), IIIT, Hyderabad on occasion of theSummer School on Natural Language Processing, May-June 2008.

Exploring the Lexicon-Syntax-Semantics-Morphology-Phonology Interface: A Multipartite Interface   Architecture.  Presented   at   the  6th   International Conference on Natural Language Processing, 20-22 December 2008.

A New Neurocognitive Architecture of Language Processing and Language Disorders. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Clinical Linguistics, Spain, 11-13th November, 2009.

How limited is the Limit? Presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Bulgaria, 14-16 September, 2009.

How Language Processing Constrains (Computational) Natural Language Processing: A Cognitive Perspective. Presented at the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Hong Kong, 3-5 December, 2009.

Toward a Unified Computational Model of Quantificational Scope Readings. Presented at the   24th   Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Japan, 3-7 December, 2010.

Quantificational Scope and LF Movement in BanglaPresented at the 29th Meeting of the South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA), 6th – 8th Jan 2011.

Natural Language and Natural Cognition. Invited talk given at the Center for Neural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Hyderabad, February, 2015.

From Language to Mentality: Structuring the Landscape of Possible Minds. CogTalk Lecture  delivered at the Center for Neural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Hyderabad, January, 2018.

Grammar is not a Computer of the Human Mind/Brain. Invited talk given in the Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi, February 2018.

Disunity with Unity in Cognition within the Context of Language-Biology Relations. Invited talk given in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Ropar, February 2020.

Unity and Disunity of Cognition in Language-Biology Relations. Institute Public Lecture given at the IISER, Tirupati, May 2021. 

The Constraints of Embodiment and Language-Thought Relations. Presented at the Conference 'Speaking Bodies: Embodied Cognition at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology and Artificial Intelligence', 13-15 May, 2021.

The Logic of Predicate Concepts. Invited Talk at the University of Kerala, February, 2022.

Integrating Perceptual and Cognitive Processes through Linguistic Representations of Emotion. Invited Talk at the DRDO, Bangalore, January, 2023

Towards the Unification of the Formal and Cognitive Representations of Linguistic Meaning. Invited Talk at the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, March, 2024